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[Image: AZqIO67.png]

[Image: SPptP54.png]
The Veneto Family have taken a large storm in EvoCity, running almost 70% of the gambling and narcotics businesses in the City. 
Therefore, they have a large leadership over EvoCity in business terms, the family also offers a well know “protection” to business and citizens within the City. 

[Image: OGJdn0U.png]
Veneto Family Compound:

Veneto Firearms:

[Image: vKj1szT.png]
Don Veneto - The one who makes all the important decision within the family.
Veneto Underboss - Leads and manages the family alongside the Don. 
Veneto Consigliere - An leader advisor that helps with any decisions being made.
Veneto Capo - Takes various instuctions from the Don or Underboss and leads a section of family members.
Veneto Member - An family member that protects his family, doing an jobs appointed to them.
Veneto Architect - Builds and designs the familys structures. (OOC: Building experiance needed)
Veneto Associate - One who is watched closely untill they are ready to be apart of the family.

[Image: LpPeJDZ.png]
Current Family Members (OOC)

Don Veneto: 
Blurr - STEAM_0:0:68019350
1 out of 1

Veneto Underboss:
LightBeer - STEAM_0:0:43023165
1 out of 1

Veneto Consigliere:
Dig - STEAM_0:0:401914511
1 out of 1

Veneto Capo:
0 out of 3

Veneto Member:
AFestiveRustie - STEAM_0:1:58908121

MrDoc - STEAM_0:1:61661230

[L²:RP] Daniel - STEAM_0:1:110298972
1 out of

Veneto Architect - Empty
0 out of 5

Veneto Associate - Empty
0 out of 

[Image: GgMkbvA.png]

Requierments needed to join the Family:

- Ability to speak/write English to a basic level.
- Chaning your IC surname to "Veneto" (Only when RPing) so you will be apart of the family.
- Lastest Ban on record should be over 1 months old.
- Lastest Blacklist on record should be over 1 months old.
- Lastest Permanent Warning on record should be over 1 month old.

Expection can be made for these requierments so be sure to still apply.
Ensure your application has a roleplay aspect such as a letter.

(Mandatory) Application Format:

Last Updated: 17/02/2017
Good luck with the clan! Looks promising.
Good luck with the clan.

We are starting clan like you. What about co-operation? We are preparing to do really brutal torture and will appreciate your help.
(Feb 3, 2017, 05:42 PM)John Master Wrote: [ -> ]Good luck with the clan.

We are starting clan like you. What about co-operation? We are preparing to do really brutal torture and will appreciate your help.

We are not talking any alliances just yet, however I would like to thank you for your kind words.
Feels like a very promising family <3
gl with your clan.

(Beer you will never get your lamo back hehehehe)
Good luck with your family Smile
Very interesting family, hope to see it involved with some great roleplay.

[Image: AZqIO67.png]

Hello EvoCity Citizens,

It is with great pleasure I am proud to announce the Veneto Family's new EvoCity Compound,
the contruction process took various amount of months but the outcome was well worth it!

The Compound has a three levels for the family along with a two apartment detached on the side, there are also two shop fronts,
these will be avaliable to shop keepers for a rent fee in the future.

Veneto Family EvoCity Compound:

I am also pleased to announce our arrivale of one new Family Members whos name shall not be disclosed, however I am sure they 
will do a fantastic job and keep the Family's name to a high standard.

Picture of the Don with the two new Family Members:

Kind regards,
Veneto Family
Warm welcome to the family!
[Image: AZqIO67.png]

Greetings all,

Today was a great success with the launch of our brand new business located at the AMPM within EvoCity, Veneto Firearms
is now open for business. You can come a purchase a firearm or ammunition with a valid gun permit, the business is fully licensed
through the government and we ensure you are paying for high quality items only. Therefore you will always recieve high-quality 
trading standards from our employees.

Veneto Firearms:
The President Matt Johnson and my family had a delightful meeting, creating an agreement that allow the family to sell and 
manufacture firearms within the city as a business. This agreement also lead to marijuana becoming a leaglised drug within EvoCity 
that allowed the family to grow and distrubite the weed to those who wanted to purchase the drug from our suppliers. 

Meeting with Mr Johnson:
Kind regards,
Veneto Family
[Image: AZqIO67.png]

Hello Citizens,

I am pleased to annouce the arrival of our new Family Member Mr Doc, I have faith and trust in him to work hard
to keep the Family looking sharp. He has already layed down some plans for the future, this makes me very intrigued to see what 
else he has to offer while he is with us.

Keep an eye on the Veneto Family thread for futher updates on the Family's activity.

Kind regards,
Veneto Family
Hello All,

I am very thankful to have joined the Veneto Family and can ensure Don Veneto I won't let him down, the Veneto Family
have just arrived in EvoCity and I cannot wait to get going with the others.

Veneto Family Member
[Image: AZqIO67.png]

Hello Citizens of EvoCity,

I am happy to announce our new Family member Daniel has joined us, after a lot of thought and discussion
between the other Family Members we thought that we should give Daniel a shot and see what he has to offer!

Please give a warm welcome to Daniel our new Family Member

Kind regards,
Veneto Family Underboss
Clan closed upon owners request.