Feb 3, 2017, 11:20 PM
After rewatching the video and discussing this request with another admin I've reached a conclusion to deny this unblacklist request. The reasons for this denial are the following points:
1) You drove into corleone estate and saw a lot of police cars and an armed SWAT unit but instead of driving away you decide to stay right in the driveway for whatever reason. Clearly if SWAT is involved it's a dangerous situation. At that point you have also heard a sniper shot, the first one which was directed nowhere near your car. That should have reinforced the idea of danger and made you leave, because you are supposed to be afraid for your life and not go into dangerous spots without reason.
2) Even after the above you decide to slowly drive closer to the dangerous situation, and then just "park" there.
3) After the first shot in the direction of your car (which was actually aimed at the SWAT, and the second shot is only about 1-2 seconds later), you wait about 10 seconds of standing still in your car before driving forwards. You say you are convinced at this point that the shots were directed at you. If that were true, you would have immediately exited the car to seek cover, or tried to drive away immediately. Staying still in the line of sniper's fire makes no sense given your argument.
4) You then get understandably shot in your car because you are driving towards his house during a raid. It shouldn't have even come to this point because you should have left ages ago.
5) You decide that you want revenge SO BADLY for getting hit with a bullet because YOU drove into a active police raid, that you abandon your hate for the government, abandon your instinct for self-preservation, to go and enter a raid while the SWAT is still there, and there are a lot of SWAT who would have just shot you in the back there. You got lucky with the desperation of SWAT in that situation.
tl;dr - You got shot because you were loitering in an area that you knew was dangerous because of SWAT and gunfire. Your argument of thinking the shots were directed at you falls apart because you were standing still in your car instead of trying to drive off or get out. Your lust for revenge to override all reasonable decisions is unjustified in the given circumstances.
Considering my previous warning to you which I mentioned in the blacklist reason, points 1-2 seem to me like you were just sticking around so you'd get shot and thus have a reason to raid the corleone.
1) You drove into corleone estate and saw a lot of police cars and an armed SWAT unit but instead of driving away you decide to stay right in the driveway for whatever reason. Clearly if SWAT is involved it's a dangerous situation. At that point you have also heard a sniper shot, the first one which was directed nowhere near your car. That should have reinforced the idea of danger and made you leave, because you are supposed to be afraid for your life and not go into dangerous spots without reason.
2) Even after the above you decide to slowly drive closer to the dangerous situation, and then just "park" there.
3) After the first shot in the direction of your car (which was actually aimed at the SWAT, and the second shot is only about 1-2 seconds later), you wait about 10 seconds of standing still in your car before driving forwards. You say you are convinced at this point that the shots were directed at you. If that were true, you would have immediately exited the car to seek cover, or tried to drive away immediately. Staying still in the line of sniper's fire makes no sense given your argument.
4) You then get understandably shot in your car because you are driving towards his house during a raid. It shouldn't have even come to this point because you should have left ages ago.
5) You decide that you want revenge SO BADLY for getting hit with a bullet because YOU drove into a active police raid, that you abandon your hate for the government, abandon your instinct for self-preservation, to go and enter a raid while the SWAT is still there, and there are a lot of SWAT who would have just shot you in the back there. You got lucky with the desperation of SWAT in that situation.
tl;dr - You got shot because you were loitering in an area that you knew was dangerous because of SWAT and gunfire. Your argument of thinking the shots were directed at you falls apart because you were standing still in your car instead of trying to drive off or get out. Your lust for revenge to override all reasonable decisions is unjustified in the given circumstances.
Considering my previous warning to you which I mentioned in the blacklist reason, points 1-2 seem to me like you were just sticking around so you'd get shot and thus have a reason to raid the corleone.