Jan 28, 2017, 02:35 AM
Server [US/EU]:EU
Map: V4B1
Description: Invisible citizen ragdolls. Whenever you sleep, get tased, tranqed, or injured as a citizen your ragdoll seems to disapear.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? 2/3 days.
Additional Information Only appears to happen for citizen ragdolls.
Map: V4B1
Description: Invisible citizen ragdolls. Whenever you sleep, get tased, tranqed, or injured as a citizen your ragdoll seems to disapear.
Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
Since when have you experienced the bug? 2/3 days.
Additional Information Only appears to happen for citizen ragdolls.