Name of Player: TurnupCentaur9
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:30083676
Server: V4B1
Time: (In UTC+0) 18:20ish
Summary: RDM, unloaded on the car for just fleeing. The pursuit lasted about 30 seconds before he opened fire on them. They were not driving dangerously or endangering any lives with their driving.
Thank you for your player-report, Venom.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
I was at the scene, and yes they drove recklessly. He fired warning shots and told them to get out of the vehicle at 0:30. They took a U- turn and drove RIGHT towards him, they had a chance to get out when the first shots were fired. In my opinion, he had every rights to open fire at them.
Well Basse got here before me and was playing SWAT Seargent. And i would have said the same as him. We got radio calls of needing all units on an car pursuit. And we only followed orders. If i would not have stopped him, they would have rammed someone down. (Sorry for bad english and grammar, im dyslextic)
They were not driving recklessly. You guys pulled in front of them which made them have to swerve away. At that point, they continued to drive away, and you ramming into them caused them to "recklessly drive." Then when you started to open fire on them, presumably to dodge the hail of gunfire that you unleashed on them, they started swerving more. You also didn't recieve a radio call calling all units for the pursuit. As the video shows, I did the simple pursuit command which SWAT should NOT respond to unless they are specifically called. Not to mention when the driver was killed, you continued to fire which killed the passenger.
As you can clearly see, they had no intention of stopping. I see 4-5 police cars and and alot of officers. I shot a few warning shots in the air. and they did not stop. They turned around and did drive straight towards the mass of people standing there. That is why i shot them down. I am sorry for still shooting after i killed the driver, i didnt know it was him and i didnt see anyone dying on my screen until the car stopped moving. I had abit of a lag issue at the moment. If this was a wrong call i am sorry, but at the time. With all those people, i personally felt it was the right call. And the reason they are not recklessly driving in the video is clearly because the car is damaged.
(Jan 26, 2017, 11:18 PM)TurnupCentaur Wrote: [ -> ]As you can clearly see, they had no intention of stopping. I see 4-5 police cars and and alot of officers. I shot a few warning shots in the air. and they did not stop. They turned around and did drive straight towards the mass of people standing there. That is why i shot them down. I am sorry for still shooting after i killed the driver, i didnt know it was him and i didnt see anyone dying on my screen until the car stopped moving. I had abit of a lag issue at the moment. If this was a wrong call i am sorry, but at the time. With all those people, i personally felt it was the right call. And the reason they are not recklessly driving in the video is clearly because the car is damaged.
It doesn't matter if they intended to stop or not. They just turned around and were going back the other way. Just because you put yourself in the middle of the road and in danger it doesn't give you the right to kill them because of that. They drove in the general direction of all those people because they were down the roadway, but there is no way you can say they were heading straight into that crowd.
The only recklessness I see is your lack of firearm discipline. Explain to me when officers give warning shots?
Between 00:31-00:33 i fired a couple straight into mid air. At the point of my first shot they start truning around. And did not stop the car and started go towards us. Again i am sorry if this was failRP and a wrong call making. At given time i felt it was the right one, but if it was wrong i will change my thinking around this subject. Sorry for slow reply btw
I can support Venom heavily on this one. I was one of the officers in the traffic stop, just next to where this happened.
Venom was pursuing the Tesla and then out of nowhere TurnupCentaur just opens fire on the vehicle for no reason, they weren't posing as much of a threat to kill them.
Also, you say you saw 4-5 police cars, yet it was literally you and Venom in the pursuit. Another officer and I were in a traffic stop right next to the scene.
At this point i do not have anymore to say other than it feels like i made the wrong call. It was one of my first time trying out police/swat and is not that familiar with it. Sorry for this to the victims , we all do make mistakes tho

Closing Notes: Your lethal weapon is used for shooting suspects that are armed and endangering you or others. At no point do you fire warning shots as an officer. Another point, the only one who caused the reckless drivig was you. You pit the vehicle into a reckless frenzy to recover and should've cooperated with the other officer and planned something.
Player will receive a 4 Hour Weapons and Vehicle Blacklist.