Limelight Forums

Full Version: Qannter - Harrassment of Players via Steam
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Name of Player: Qannter
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:34466251
Server: Steam
Time:(In UTC+0) 11:00 approx
Summary: After being banned, Player made abusing comment on the Steam Profile of the player who posted the player report. Includes homophobic slurs and attempts to force the player to commit suicide.
Original Player Report:
Player's Comments on Steam Profile: [Image: dacbd8e8104bbe83afd9f383a500ad41.png]
Thank you for your player-report, Doctor Internet.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Approved user banned for a further month 3 months and last chance given due to record.