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Full Version: Vatipaa UBR
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Your Name:  Vatipaa

Issued by: [L²] BlackDog

Blacklist ID: 70165

Server: v4b1

Why should you be unblacklisted?: I was an idiot, i didn't think rules when that happened. I promise i don't do that again. I can learn from mistakes. (I didn't even know that I can't kill if he doesn't give me 500) And I want to be a police, but there is nothing to do if you don't have weapons. 

Evidence: N/A

Kind Regards,
The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, Vatipaa.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Your BL has 1hr remaining on it.

You attempted to mug someone, this is fine, when they did not pay, or pay enough, you shot them, you then turned around and shot a police officer walking into the garage for car work and ran out of the building.

This is not how muggings go, you do not just start shooting people because someone did not pay you, or did not pay you fast enough, or even did not pay you enough.

RP the situation out, if they cant pay, have them take off their shoes and take those instead , RP the situation out.

Before this is concluded do you have anything more to say?

you can denie this, 40 minutes of waiting isn't bad. Next time I know what to do that kind of situation Wink
This request is denied and closed