Hi, I am fairly new to limelight and I have a question:
Why can't we connect props on Vehicles? Was this possible and later removed?
I mean I bought a Mercedes Sprinter to transport things but its really annoying because when I accelerate the goods always fall out.
And I dont want to call an admin all the time so he can connect 1 Prop on the trunk....
It was never possible for a player to weld props to a car, staff can though. I believe the dodge ram and ford raptor can hold items on their back with relative ease.
Would there be any issue with letting players weld props to their vehicles?
As long as it doesnt get ridiculous. I mean at least for the big vans it would be a really cool feature.
I could imagine a delivery RP or Actually Storing something in it.
(Jan 13, 2017, 05:44 PM)thekalk Wrote: [ -> ]Would there be any issue with letting players weld props to their vehicles?
As long as it doesnt get ridiculous. I mean at least for the big vans it would be a really cool feature.
I could imagine a delivery RP or Actually Storing something in it.
Allowing everyone to weld props to their vehicles opens up multiple ways to abuse the ability - adding extra car seats, placing unrealistic props on the car roof (I can already imagine a trabant with a big pink dildo on its roof), invisible bumpers, etc. Also certain dupes if welded to cars can spaz out like crazy because of the weird constraint-motion-car interactions and cause a lot of problems.
In an ideal world there would be no issue but in reality staff would go around deleting all kinds of car mods because they aren't deemed appropriate.
Thank you for the fast reply!
Wouldn't it be possible to only allow certain cars for welding? Like Vans or Trucks?
Maybe there is another solution... I just want to transport with my sprinter ^^ any ideas how I can prevent the goods from falling out?
"Wouldn't it be possible to only allow certain cars for welding? Like Vans or Trucks?"
I'm not well versed in development so can't answer with 100% certainty but I don't think it can be done, at least not easily. I stand corrected. Thanks innovative.
"any ideas how I can prevent the goods from falling out?"
Unfortunately with the Sprinter you just have to make a little invisible fading door at the back and ask a staff member to weld it, I don't really see any other way.
But why not allow it? Everything in our game mode can be abused, but that's why staff and rules are here.
(Jan 13, 2017, 06:28 PM)Overlewd Wrote: [ -> ]"Wouldn't it be possible to only allow certain cars for welding? Like Vans or Trucks?"
I'm not well versed in development so can't answer with 100% certainty but I don't think it can be done, at least not easily.
Could be done.
(Jan 14, 2017, 02:39 AM)Soviethooves Wrote: [ -> ]But why not allow it? Everything in our game mode can be abused, but that's why staff and rules are here.
I have to give him a point here. Basically everything can be abused, Props, Vehicles in general, Weapons. And Admins have to deal with it anyway.
It would even fall under Basic RP/Prop Rules :
2.5 Do not do unrealistic things out of context (FailRP). This includes things such as anti-gravity bathtubs, unrealistic car colours, watermelon fights, etc. when there is no specific roleplay in which they would make sense (i.e. game shows or science roleplays).
[font=Lato, sans-serif]6.9 All of your constructions must be realistically supported. This means no floating constructions (cameras included).[/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif](So no Pink dildo trabant for you
[font=Lato, sans-serif]Well this Rule would fall apart:[/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif][font=Lato, sans-serif]17.3 Do not modify vehicles with props or tools without prior admin approval.[/font][/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif][font=Lato, sans-serif]Maybe an additional rules would be ideal such as:[/font][/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif][font=Lato, sans-serif]XX.X Do not Weld Invisible Props on your Car.[/font][/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif][font=Lato, sans-serif]XX.X Do not oversize your car with props. (It should fit on one side of the road)[/font][/font]
[font=Lato, sans-serif][font=Lato, sans-serif]XX.X (Maybe) If asked you should have a valid roleplay reason to modify your car ( Mechanic, DIY repairs, Money Transport(Extra armor Required))[/font][/font]
XX.X If you weld extra Armor to your car, there has to be a reasonable chance hitting the vehicle.
XX.X Do not Construct Vehicles intended to damage other cars (Flipping them over etc.) this falls under VDM.
Well these are suggestions so it wouldn't make sense to continue in the Q&A Section... I would write a Suggestion but is there a reasonable chance this could get added to the game?
(Jan 13, 2017, 05:44 PM)thekalk Wrote: [ -> ]Would there be any issue with letting players weld props to their vehicles?
As long as it doesnt get ridiculous. I mean at least for the big vans it would be a really cool feature.
I could imagine a delivery RP or Actually Storing something in it.
Would be a good idea but I can see why Project is saying that it might not be a good idea as players can abuse the function.
Yes it will get abused no question. But I dont think it will happen everyday. Besides this isnt Fearless. And after my fairly fresh 20 hours i can say that the majority of people on this server are really nice, friendly and willing to do RP, because they know, how it was on fearless. God I didn't even see one minger, raging with a helicopter.
(Jan 14, 2017, 03:10 PM)thekalk Wrote: [ -> ]Yes it will get abused no question. But I dont think it will happen everyday. Besides this isnt Fearless. And after my fairly fresh 20 hours i can say that the majority of people on this server are really nice, friendly and willing to do RP, because they know, how it was on fearless. God I didn't even see one minger, raging with a helicopter.
True because as Soviet said, there's both staff and rules for a reason. Would like to see this but I don't think much point of putting it on all vehicles, I wouldn't think that someone would stick a prop on a fast car or anything as it will just slow it down (Due to the prop's weight). Maybe only make the vans/transport vehicles which have no-collided rear doors moddable with props.
I believe has placed a suggestion on this now after the subject was discussed.
Are you finished with your help thread so I may Archive it?
(Jan 16, 2017, 06:31 PM)Lieutenant Sours Wrote: [ -> ]I believe has placed a suggestion on this now after the subject was discussed.
Are you finished with your help thread so I may Archive it?
Yep ^^