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Full Version: donator hasnt worked
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so i bough donTor today and i recieve the 50k but not forum tag ability to buy suits etc, help plz ;(
If you have received the 50k you must have the rest too. About the tag in the forums, just below where it says "Welcome, Vimpto" there should be a green steam button, click that and log in. You should get the tag.
the tag has worked but sill dint have the ability to buy suits
Try relogging in the server.
i tried restarting gmod and rejoining earlier but didnt work
Are you sure you did not purchase a moneypack by mistake?
yes as i have the dinator ag on forums now
Are you sure you have enough money for the suits?
No i dont, however when pressin buy it says i need $10 membership to buy his item
That could be a bug unless the said suit is locked for the 10$ donation total. Please update us when you got enough money to buy it.
I had this problem when i first donated, But mine came through when the server restarted. Try and wait for it to be restarted.
Paging Doctor and Doctor upon this subject.
Try again now. Sounds weird but it may be the server not updating a varaible properly.

(Jan 9, 2017, 05:39 PM)Voluptious Wrote: [ -> ]Try again now. Sounds weird but it may be the server not updating a varaible properly.

Still has not worked
You only donated once, thats $5
the message says you need $10
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