Your Name:
Ban ID: 4693
Banned by: [L²] Barkles
Server: v4b1
Ban Reason: Clickbotting/Exploiting. FearRP
Why should you be unbanned?: Alright look here. I was cuttin wood by myself for about 20 minutes. My inventory was close to full, and my parents asked me to eat dinner. So I let my brother take over to cut wood, we made a deal. When I was finished eating, my brother told me I got banned on the server. Now I do not know what happened, but did I really do anything wrong?
Evidence: Should I post a picture of my brother here or what? I didn't even let him cut wood for a long time, it was like 5 minutes.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, ZooM.
It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Guys can you hurry up? This was just a misunderstanding and I would like to get back on the server.
Tbh i picked you up you didn't respond then started chopping again in an even manner suggesting clickbotting so forgive me if i say that everyone seems to have this magic Minge brother that breaks rules
even if you're telling the truth you're account your responsibility
p.s no i dont need to see a picture of your brother.
(Jan 5, 2017, 07:02 PM)Barkles Wrote: [ -> ]Tbh i picked you up you didn't respond then started chopping again in an even manner suggesting clickbotting so forgive me if i say that everyone seems to have this magic Minge brother that breaks rules
even if you're telling the truth you're account your responsibility
p.s no i dont need to see a picture of your brother.
Yeah I got an image what possibly happened. I told my brother to only cut and not do anything else, he probably didn't have the headset on because he was watching a movie.
Anyways, I know it's my responsibily. But then I should be banned for "FearRP". And last time I checked, you don't recieve a perm ban from that.
I will in the future never let anyone play on the server on my account.
Can we discuss another penality?
Well no... because when I picked you up you weren't chopping them you randomly started again without turning the mouse cos there was no movement which would have been seen if someone took their hand off the mouse then put it back on therefore clickbotting
(Jan 5, 2017, 10:59 PM)Barkles Wrote: [ -> ]Well no... because when I picked you up you weren't chopping them you randomly started again without turning the mouse cos there was no movement which would have been seen if someone took their hand off the mouse then put it back on therefore clickbotting
My brother probably saw you and listened to you. He then started chopping because he wanted down. Like you punch someone in the air.
(Jan 5, 2017, 11:06 PM)ZooM Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 5, 2017, 10:59 PM)Barkles Wrote: [ -> ]Well no... because when I picked you up you weren't chopping them you randomly started again without turning the mouse cos there was no movement which would have been seen if someone took their hand off the mouse then put it back on therefore clickbotting
My brother probably saw you and listened to you. He then started chopping because he wanted down. Like you punch someone in the air.
he/you didnt even move mate, there was no mouse input. Ill give you one last chance if you'd like to change your story, and i may consider as lessened sentence. otherwise im afraid im denying this as i think you're blatantly lying to me.
(Jan 5, 2017, 11:08 PM)Barkles Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 5, 2017, 11:06 PM)ZooM Wrote: [ -> ] (Jan 5, 2017, 10:59 PM)Barkles Wrote: [ -> ]Well no... because when I picked you up you weren't chopping them you randomly started again without turning the mouse cos there was no movement which would have been seen if someone took their hand off the mouse then put it back on therefore clickbotting
My brother probably saw you and listened to you. He then started chopping because he wanted down. Like you punch someone in the air.
he/you didnt even move mate, there was no mouse input. Ill give you one last chance if you'd like to change your story, and i may consider as lessened sentence. otherwise im afraid im denying this as i think you're blatantly lying to me.
Alright, no point of lying anymore because you clearly are intellegent.
I clickbotted for 5 minutes while I ate dinner.
right thank you for being honest... eventually so hes the deal. you're having a month ban and im removing all wood from your inventory. this will also be a last chance ban.