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Full Version: Unblacklist request
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Your Name:  [L²:RP] Tom

Issued by: [L²] Soviethooves

Blacklist ID: 70015

Server: EU Main

Why should you be unblacklisted?:  So first of all i was driving me jeep, A cop suddenly appears at Grassy field chasing me and ramming me. Thats the moment i first saw that Officer and i hadnt seen a cop since connectivity so they must have been chasing me  since then, so that meant i would have to serve a 15 year Jail sentence.  I had to go to school... And my friend was going on holiday and he was buying my car and i didnt want to wait a further Week to sell it.

It seems Soviethooves because he didn't listen to my side of the story yesterday and instantly Blacklisted me.

The staff-members have received your unblacklist-request, [L²:RP] Tom.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
That was actually me chasing you and you seemed to notice me as you crashed before Grassy Field and continued to speed off while I attempted to pit your car to the sign.

Why were you running from police under the assumption that you would get in trouble from a pursuit as a Law Abiding Citizen? You already knew we were chasing you, so why run and not pull over like you should have done?
Player has 24 Hours to show interest in this report before this is denied.
Denied due to lack of interest.