Limelight Forums

Full Version: UBR: Admiral
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[b]Your Name:[/b] [FL:RP] Admiral

[b]Ban ID:[/b] 909

[b]Banned by:[/b] Mahti

[b]Server:[/b] v4b1

[b]Ban Reason:[/b] Propminge

[b]Why should you be unbanned?:[/b]  I was banned over a year ago for Propminging and since then I
have developed an interest in Limelight as I have heard great things about it from threads. Back then, it was
around the time the communities split and I guess a lot of FL players just came on to minge. I realise I acted
maliciously and I promise I will not do so again. If you allow me back on to your server, I will not misbehave
and I will  follow all rules that have been set.

[b]Evidence:[/b] I have none.
The staff-members have received your unban-request, Admiral.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
it's been 7 days..
Apologies for the delay, the banning administrator is no longer with us unfortunately.
It's a new year, and I think we can give you a new chance.

I'll unban you now and the ban will remain on your record.
Make sure to read our rules so you're updated and know how to avoid trouble!