This is Limelight's second Christmas and I'm very proud of how far we have come this year, especially with the challenges that faced us in the early days. We have a great player base and staff team which together have worked hard to create what Limelight is today. One thing I believe is that this is a place where everyone is welcome to play and enjoy themselves. The team have worked hard this year to provide you with the best we can despite the obstacles that faced us. I hope you can all look back on 2016 having enjoyed it just as much as I have.
I'd like to personally thank Temar, Super Admins, Admins, Developers, Moderators, Teachers, Contributors and the former staff that have stepped-down for their hard work this year in making our community an amazing place to be.
We have accomplished a lot this year and there's so much more to come in 2017. I hope you and your families have a wonderful Christmas this year and we look forward to Limelight in 2017!
Limelight Staff
Here's to 2017!
Hoping all the best for everyone.
Have a good Christmas everyone for tomorrow and today for you nac

(Dec 24, 2016, 06:29 PM)Jordy Wrote: [ -> ]Have a good Christmas everyone for tomorrow and today for you nac 
I'm 30 minutes into Christmas as of this post! Love being in the future.
Heres to 2017 to be a better year than 2016! I see many great times ahead. I'd like to thank personally at the friends and clan mates I have made thought this year and I hope you all Happy Holidays and New Year that awaits for us.
Merry Christmas, and a happy new year!
Merry christmas everyone , God bless u all
Ah the shit behind the scenes is something no man (or woman for that matter) should ever have to see.
Tbh most of the admin lounge is Brynn's nudes anyway
Merry Christmas! Time to prepare for 2017.
(Dec 24, 2016, 07:34 PM)TheC0ntrolFr3ak Wrote: [ -> ]
Dear Jesus that singing made me want to stab santa in the eyes
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year guys!

Merry Christmas everyone, or Merry Christmas Eve for some of us (only 12:40pm here...) I hope 2017 will be just as good or even better than this year.
Merry Christmas lads! Dont drink too much