Dec 23, 2016, 10:07 AM
Your Name: [L²:RP] Tom
Ban ID: 4611
Banned by: [L²:M] Toxic
Server: EU
Ban Reason:
[b]![[Image: steam.png]](
FailRP, baiting police just to get into a gunfight[/b]
Why should you be unbanned?: There were 2 corleones ( D3stive , Lecho) I saw them corleones memebers so i went as a don , I saw there base, and they were both masked , I didn't knew they were armed first, i didn't equip my gun or ammunation , I saw SWAT Came to estate , I went near them to see whats going on I heared someone said to them that there were masked people in the base (Lecho and D3stive base,) (I didn't got in the house yet.) So i told in the radio that our neighboor sniched and said that we are masked , and might have guns, Swat tried to talk to lecho or d3stive , I acted like iam not with them Scince i wasn't masked or have a gun , I saw swat went away , So i went inside the house , near to window and told them that someone sniched on you guys and u just need to let him go and we will live alone aswell, Then SWAT Came back again , I was inside the house , When Lecho got the warrant i toke my gun and kevlar , Tried to stop them but we all died, Toxic tp us all and said that we were showing our guns from windows and d3stive contras can be seen from windows They were masked so they were just showing there guns from the sniper tower, (We had a sniper tower dupe) But i didn't know that that was going on . + I wasn't masked or had a gun
Evidence: Logs showing that I don't had a gun or masked , And you can ask D3stive or Lecho or swat members.
Ban ID: 4611
Banned by: [L²:M] Toxic
Server: EU
Ban Reason:
![[Image: steam.png]](
FailRP, baiting police just to get into a gunfight[/b]
Why should you be unbanned?: There were 2 corleones ( D3stive , Lecho) I saw them corleones memebers so i went as a don , I saw there base, and they were both masked , I didn't knew they were armed first, i didn't equip my gun or ammunation , I saw SWAT Came to estate , I went near them to see whats going on I heared someone said to them that there were masked people in the base (Lecho and D3stive base,) (I didn't got in the house yet.) So i told in the radio that our neighboor sniched and said that we are masked , and might have guns, Swat tried to talk to lecho or d3stive , I acted like iam not with them Scince i wasn't masked or have a gun , I saw swat went away , So i went inside the house , near to window and told them that someone sniched on you guys and u just need to let him go and we will live alone aswell, Then SWAT Came back again , I was inside the house , When Lecho got the warrant i toke my gun and kevlar , Tried to stop them but we all died, Toxic tp us all and said that we were showing our guns from windows and d3stive contras can be seen from windows They were masked so they were just showing there guns from the sniper tower, (We had a sniper tower dupe) But i didn't know that that was going on . + I wasn't masked or had a gun
Evidence: Logs showing that I don't had a gun or masked , And you can ask D3stive or Lecho or swat members.