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Your Name: [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif][L²:RP] Tom

Ban ID:  4600
Banned by: [L²] Rocket

Server:  EU

Ban Reason: Lying to staff and Changing Job to avoid RP

Why should you be unbanned?:  I admit i did Change Job.. But i did not lie.. I said we were holstering  when cops came in.. Which is true... during the 10 seconds i killed a cop. Then changed job. So i dont see how i lied i would like this to be shortened to 24 hours like the other member involved.

The staff-members have received your unban-request, [L²:RP] Tom.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed.
Please state the staff member that has suspended you, or this will be denied in 24 Hours
Upon confrontation you told me that you didn't change your job as soon as you killed the cops, but after I have checked in the logs I saw that the difference was in seconds between the time you have killed the cop and switched your job.

Switching job like that is considered powergaming as that time the police were after you and you have just killed a cop.
I know that i changed job but i never denied that... So i am unsure why it said i lied
I take full responsibility for Changing Job But i did not lie
Approved, the ban will be reduced.