Dec 11, 2016, 08:13 PM
Name of Player: jackw02
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64224308
Server: Limelight RP v4b1
Time: 10 minutes before this
Summary: I was getting a gun lisence from president, when i get in and these guys tazed and searched me which is okey i think.. but then when they leave the house jackw02 just tazes me without reason... look from video
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:64224308
Server: Limelight RP v4b1
Time: 10 minutes before this
Summary: I was getting a gun lisence from president, when i get in and these guys tazed and searched me which is okey i think.. but then when they leave the house jackw02 just tazes me without reason... look from video
