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Full Version: PR: El_Negrito_De_Africa
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Name of Player: El_Negrito_De_AfricaEl_Negrito_De_Africa

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:100162278

Server: v4b1

Time: 17:00 (In UTC+0) 

Summary: I wanted to take him as a hostage to roleplay a psycho. He was under gunpoint and started punching me. I also told him to stop breaking FearRP, but he didn't stop punching me aswell. So he broke FearRP do avoid roleplay.

[Image: c4113354910e23f556c92ec7a7ee7f71.png]

[Image: 5504dd0520f79fec89576baf4089bcb7.jpg]

[Image: 0d9ef77917eacb40f9a137a2ce1e8703.png]

Thank you for your player-report, kellekerell.

It will take a while for it to be reviewed by our staff-members.
Meanwhile, the accused player and witnesses may reply to this report.
Hey. I'm sorry, I did a mistake aswell. I changed my job name to psycho before, but I think I switched my job meanwhile. Now it says "citizen". I'm sorry, my mistake. I didn't want to FailRP, but I forgot to change my Job name then.

User suspended for 24 hours for FailRP/FearRP