Are there any Rules regarding your own team speak channel?
The only Rule I found about IC chat is
2.3 Do not Metagame. This means you cannot talk OOC (Out Of Character) while IC (In Character). You can't use OOC-obtained information IC either.
Is it possible to have your own channel for you and your clan/police/security RP, and not be counted as metagaming?
e.g OOC "Would you like to join my teamspeak for further RP?" as Corleone member/police unit/s.w.a.t
This is about a private team speak, not LIMELIGHT GAMING TEAMSPEAK
Hello, .
With personal TeamSpeak channels, there is not many rules over the IC/Metagaming Rule, yes. Most rules are able to be found under the TeamSpeak Rules in the actual TeamSpeak server. TeamSpeak channels can be IC. I usually create a temporary sub-channel under the In-Game Channels section on the Teamspeak 3, just to prevent players from stating otherwise.
If it is a clan, you are able to ask a staff member to create a display of channels that you wish. That is if you have a clan. I will leave this thread open for any staff members or other teachers to add to my comments if there is anything I have missed.
Have a great day, MrBonBon.
Generally, if it's not on the Limelight teamspeak, that could be used against you in a PR. Just to be safe, I'd create a channel/join a channel and state in it's channel description that it's meant to be used for IC purposes only, then make a subchannel which can be used for OOC discussions and stuff.
This generally wouldn't be allowed for the following reasons:
1. It's still meta-gaming - IC information is only allowed to be shared in-game or via the government radio channels on the Limelight Gaming Teamspeak
2. It's technically advertising - You're promoting your Teamspeak server through our services.
3. Security - Owning your own TeamSpeak server means you can view anyone's IP that joins. Therefore, we, as staff, strong advise players to only join TeamSpeak servers run by people/companies they trust.
I understand, thank you for all the feedback!
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