Job Name: Glade Bagger
What you intend to do as this role: (Roleplay in mind?)
I intend to protect the camp and stop fights and people from going into the maze. Clean up the body and so patrols around the camp. As Francysol3 said I will also act like a rookie.
Would love to come but I can't
(Feb 22, 2017, 06:10 PM)♈ Coupcake ♈ Wrote: [ -> ]Job Name: Glade Doctor
What you intend to do as this role: Set a little location within a corner of a shelter to provide medical care to runners and other people that may be injured, or ill.
Thanks for the job!
Amazing one , but not sure if i can be there , but i would love to , good luck and
Job Name: Glade Bagger
What you intend to do as this role: (Roleplay in mind?) I will Try to be in a tower and be a watcher to tell the glade leader or the glade baggers about new thing happening like if we are having a [font=open_sansregular, Arial, sans-serif]Griever attack i will tell them "Griever in coming all people go to shelters etc... ( Watcher)[/font]
Job Name: Glade Leader
What you intend to do as this role:
to lead a tribe and make sure they survive, initiate rules that insures their wellbeing, and while doing my job I will try to come up with a plan to help us escape this miserable maze, hard times will come but ill do my best to keep my brothers breathing.
Job Name: Glade Builder
What you intend to do as this role: (Roleplay in mind?): I intend to build the utmost secure base with the material available in the world. Everything from comfort to actual functioning will be taken into regards when starting to construct all buildings. Mainly I will be focusing on creating spots for individuals to view over a certain field in order to establish security for the ones inside the walls of the compound. Pretty arrogant character who thinks he is the almighty, probably sees him as the true leader rather than the current one; but obliges out of honor. And old man with much knowledge and fine language.
Job Name: Glade Subleader
What you intend to do as this role: As an odd person, with many quirks, I would be a faithful but sometimes dissenting second-in-command, a sort of advisor for the Leader. Perhaps more outgoing than the leader, I would go around to see the Gladers and report back to the Leader with the current situation, and what needs to be done.
Thanks for making this event at a decent time even for an Aussie. (better than 4am for sure).
If a subleader has already been picked, my next preference would be a Glade Bagger, if second preferences are being accepted.
Job Name: Glade Bagger
What you intend to do as this role: A watchful scout that constantly reports back to camp on the amount of Grievers and the threat level currently posed. Makes sharp decisions to keep the camp safe.
Med-jack spot available due to the withdrawal of Coupcake.
Job Name: Glade Track-Hoe
What you intend to do as this role: Grow a variety of nutritious plants (Possibly cannabis) to keep the cooks and glades happy alongside creating a merry garden where you can go for a relaxing nap.
Will be this in the event server or main server?
(Feb 25, 2017, 10:07 PM)Vatipaa Wrote: [ -> ]Will be this in the event server or main server?
Event server.
I can see that there is only jobs template here.
So i assume that people can join the event at the time and be citizens in glade ?
Yes, you can join in at anytime and you will be made a 'Glade Slopper'. If a spot is made available in the list, you can simply ask to join the role by asking your leader.
A spot can be made available if a player from one of the roles other than slopper has been permakilled.
Job Name: Glade Builder
What you intend to do as this role: (Roleplay in mind?) Roleplay building by getting materials through realistic ways, and provide buildings and alike for the Gladers.