Nov 20, 2016, 01:23 AM
![[Image: 2TXie2d.png]](
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: [L²] Bark
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:59905246
Your Age: 18
Hours on server: 422
RP Events you have been in: Pretty much all LL events but recently
- Blackouts Halloween event
- Rockets event at Halloween
Reps Issued: 3 (would be more but as an admin as many know you often get dragged out of RP a lot) i had about 17 RPP on the "other community" though
Ban History on Limelight: 0
Blacklist History on Limelight: 0
Warning history on Limelight: 0
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for: "Security Division"
Full Name: Steven Peregrine (P) Magnum
All Nicknames: "Bark"
Age: 35
Date of Application: 19/11/16
Date of birth: 07/06/1981
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Seattle, WA
Telephone Number: 4634-555-3452
Mobile: 0377444333
Driver's License Number: STEVM070681
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 63 Sprizer Plaza
Zip code: 34234
Suburb / City: EvoCity, EV
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 19 Millenium Walk
Zip code: 47723
Suburb / City: New York City, NY
Why are you applying? Due to the high regard FUMUKU has maintained over the number of years i have been working in the Manufacturing and Security sectors i believe FUMUKU's mentality and goals match mine.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
- General: Blackwatch Corportation: PMC providing protection for high profile targets
- Agent: Estleback Corporation: Security company proving protection with areas of interest in world politics
- President and Founder: MEGA Corporation: International retail conglomerate and security company based in EvoCity.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
With over 20 years of experience in the security and corporation world i feel that my skills would fit perfectly into FUMUKU's ethos and that i could help to achieve FUMUKU's goals effectively and with professionalism
What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer all my 20 years experience, as well loyalty, hard work and dedication to get the job done whilst working hard in a tight-knit team
Character Bio:
He is about 6ft tall, of medium build, notable features are his thick Seattle accent and a small scar on one of his fingers from debris.
Steve was born in 1981 into a lavish household. His father, Jim, had made his fortune in the retail industry and Steve was set to enjoy a life of luxury. however, in 1991 when Steve was ten his father was involved in a road traffic accident which killed several school children.
After he was tested it was found that Jim was under the influence of several banned substances and a large volume of alcohol, and he was sentenced to 30 years in a state prison. The reason that he was in this state in the first place was that his company, Multi Enterprise General Association (MEGA for short) had suffered a dramatic financial shortfall in the last month of trading, effectively bankrupting the corporation. Jim had tried to keep the company afloat with personal finance however eventually there was no more money. Jim hanged himself in his cell three weeks after sentencing, sending his family into poverty, as of course, they had no money. Steve was now left at ten, without a father, he and his mother struggled through the next eight years until he reached the age of eighteen when he left to find his fortune.
Steve then sustained several jobs over the next six years, he washed dishes, fished, and even turned to drug dealing for a short period of time. This was until he found Blackwatch Inc. At the time they seemed to be the saviour, offering a high paying wage for effectively standing around all day toting a machine gun. Nonetheless Steve stuck at it and eventually sustained the rank of General. He was greatly proud of himself and attempted to reform the corporation with his trusted adviser, Vincent, however this was when the war started. One day, seemingly unprovoked a corporation named OMEGA sustained a deliberate attack on Blackwatch. Steve, not knowing what to do ordered a counter attack; but before this could happen a shadowing quasi-legal corporation named the "Ministry of Peace" cited Blackwatch as a 'terrorist organisation' and thus sent a cruise missile to the headquarters.
As the dust settled Steve wondered why he was employed with such a violent PMC like Blackwatch. so after 2 years he left he promptly left and joined the United States Army for a further two years, training and executing strikes against terrorist forces. He used this opportunity to feel like he was 'giving back' to his country, after all the damage Blackwatch had caused.
While he was in active service, Steve had the idea to restart his fathers corporation, MEGA, and as soon as he left he did just that. The first MEGA PC was made in Evocity in 2001, on Steve's 20th birthday. The business was wildly successful, with its award winning customer service and staff. So eventually, Steve opened another store, and another, and another, until MEGA had over 1300 stores across the world by the end of the corporation.
The corporation grew over the next 13 years, with various members coming and going and MEGA executing various operations. He became a loved figure and a multinational billionaire with fingers in many pies, not all of them legal. However, by 2014 Steve had employed someone he trusted but would ultimately betray him. The man's name is unknown but he was Steve's financial adviser. on 05/10/2014 he stole $5.2 Billion out of MEGA's accounts, forcing the company to close, as they had no ways of proving they owned the money in the first place.
It was at this point that Steve realised it was sink or swim and reached out to several contacts he'd made in MEGA, notably Edward Pearsons who put him in touch with Estleback Corporation. Steve's time here was short but well fought, he helped as an agent in the largest counter-terrorism operation that EvoCity had ever seen, teaming up with the Shadow Associates Agency (SAA) to take down a terrorist cell within the city. The war was well fought and ultimately the threat was eliminated. Sadly shortly afterwards the company's CEO fell ill and no one was found to replace him, once again Steve was alone.
So a year after being out of a job once here he was again. The next year until present day Steve has been working as a consultant for several government agencies and companies advising them on security and PMCs until now when he's looking for a more permanent source of income and a long-term home.