There is an issue with Contentpack 9. Something wrong with it on the workshop. This will be resolved later today. Until then, some of you might see an error object in game.
Cool Update...
Slight issue, there is a spelling mistake in the post, " Ppresence", which should be "Presence"...
+ Blood-alcohol (low, mid, high range)
+ "Ppresence" of Cannabis
+ Steroids
(Nov 11, 2016, 03:36 AM)Burnett Wrote: [ -> ]There is an issue with Contentpack 9. Something wrong with it on the workshop. This will be resolved later today. Until then, some of you might see an error object in game.
This will be resolved in a few hours. Instead of Contentpack 9, the breathalyser will be moved to a new Contentpack 10.
Until then, you can unsubscribe that old Contentpack 10.
Ive RPed this alot, now its finally coming to life!
So many awesome updates! I love it!
This is pretty cool!

question tho: for how long does toxcins stay in your system before it gives a negative reading again?
(Nov 11, 2016, 05:20 PM)Decay Wrote: [ -> ]This is pretty cool!
question tho: for how long does toxcins stay in your system before it gives a negative reading again?
For alcohol I would suggest a 10 minute cool down, as it usually takes about 8 to 10 hours before there's little to no alcohol in your bloodstream after last intake.
OT: Is it our birthday or something? So many cool new updates!