Oct 29, 2016, 10:16 PM
Halloween card-event:
Like the card-event during our anniversary, players can collect a set of 6 different halloween cards. There aren't any foil-cards though.
Cards will be rewarded for REP, purchasing items (membership / moneypack) or using in-game currency to purchase booster packs.
Provides 1 free trading card (*for new REP only)
Provides 3 free trading cards (*for purchasing/extending membership)
Provides 1 free trading card (*for purchasing moneypacks)
Halloween Booster Pack:
This pack contains 3 trading cards and can be bought with in-game currency.
It costs $240.000
Halloween Reward Pack:
This pack requries one of each halloween card (6) in exchange for the reward.
It'll also remove one of each card from inventory in exchange.
- #Up to $200.000 extra money (starting at $50.000)
- #Up to 20 days of extra membership time (starting at 5)
- #A random vehicle
The event ends on Nov 10th.
Halloween card-event page (F1):
In order to manage your cards, hit up "F1" and go to "Cards".
Halloween cards:
You can use them as props too:
7 Halloween props
Quite useful for events and as a decoration.
You can find them in the spawnlist:
Halloween Kick-Off Command:
Moderators(+) may use /halloween on/off to announce an event.
Once executed, various effects/sounds/settings will run.
SNPCS - Cry of fear
We added some creepy NPCS for special halloween events. Check out the announcement section & event section to join an event.
Please note: Staff will carry out events on live servers too! Obviously at some restricted area.
In order to enjoy all features, you need the following content-packs:
(They should download automatically on connect. However. Sometimes people have problem with it so here the links)
Credits: Staff, Developers, Ex-Developers, External Contributors
Happy haunting!