Oct 29, 2016, 02:07 PM
Name of Player: AP3XWarriorZ.
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:181890499.
Server: V4B1.
Time: 12:55 (UK Time).
Summary: The person who I am making this player report towards was a chef. In the screenshot below, he is visibly holding a gun to my head which should be FailRP. A chef shouldn't have a gun to my head, especially for someone with such power (Don Corleone).
His reasoning for pulling a gun on me was for telling him to "f**k off", it was a minor altercation. Therefore, I believe that he has an invalid reason to threaten me and sorted out the situation incorrectly by drawing a gun.
![[Image: 49FD382949E4D999B3AF2AFE2E64CBB27F484F64]](https://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/221067680847968398/49FD382949E4D999B3AF2AFE2E64CBB27F484F64/)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:181890499.
Server: V4B1.
Time: 12:55 (UK Time).
Summary: The person who I am making this player report towards was a chef. In the screenshot below, he is visibly holding a gun to my head which should be FailRP. A chef shouldn't have a gun to my head, especially for someone with such power (Don Corleone).
His reasoning for pulling a gun on me was for telling him to "f**k off", it was a minor altercation. Therefore, I believe that he has an invalid reason to threaten me and sorted out the situation incorrectly by drawing a gun.