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Full Version: It's my time to go.
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Welp, it's about time, I haven't been on in a while and I would like to blame this on the biased admin(s) and/or mod(s) but at the same time I am bored with Gmod. I will still be active on the forums and yes I will come back to piss off the same people but until then I guess I'll stay helping with an upcoming AA case.

Sad to see you leave.. wish you all the best!
Bye,and what do you mean by biased admins?
Shame to see you leave maybe come back one day do take care though
Cya man, stay well.
Goodbye buddy, stay safe
Negro Doggo
Thanks bud, I'll try.
Leak, leak, leak, leak!

Cya <3
Goodbye Taco.

Safe Travels.
Goodbye Taco. :/
omg ikr temar is corrupt and biased and abusive and corrupt. but shh

OT: Bye Taco, have a good 'un
Oh dudeSadAnyway, cya m8!
[Image: fb4821a55878e400ce303c79cd0aff6a97bc6ac5...5bc8f5.jpg][Image: cd5257f0535ef106ad9c8ae4dc7bd547.jpg][Image: PalpatineMotivational1.jpg][Image: tumblr_inline_o4gsl1FBor1qjtxsg_1280.jpg][Image: tumblr_inline_o4gsl1FBor1qjtxsg_1280.jpg][Image: 814214477189337413.jpg]

Jokes aside, have a good one FaceTaco