Limelight Forums

Full Version: Hey guys!
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Greetings Limelight! My name is Chutnut. I am a player on the original Fearless role play community and I wish to bring my role playing experience here! I hope to see you all in game and I am excited to begin my journey!
Welcome to L2!
Hello, welcome!
Welcome to Lime Light.
Welcome, i believe i have already seen you in game
Welcome to LimeLight My friend!Enjoy your stay!
Welcome, enjoy your stay
Experienced players yay!
Questions? Hit me up
Shalom ,

I hope you will enjoy being a part of the community here at Limelight. If you have any questions or issues feel free to post in the Help & Support section of the forums; you could also PM me or if you are in game you can use the /help function.
Say goodbye to your Social Life !

Jokes, Welcome !
Welcome to Limelight!