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Full Version: Still waiting for Donator status
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Hey guys sorry, I forgot the login to my old account so had to make a new one.
Any to get to the point, earlier on I re-donated (maybe 3 or 4 hours ago) and have not yet received any of my donator package. Just found this weird as it normally takes less than 10 minutes.
Amount I donated: £5 membership
Steam id: STEAM_0:0:61852492

Cheers, Owen
My friend Jeff STEAM_0:1:150440466 also has the same problem. But he donated £5 member ship and 5 money packs
It seems many people are having this issue, so its probably a server hiccup. I'd wait for an official word from the Supervising Administrative Team or the Owner, . Until then, you can double check Paypal and your email that the transaction is fully complete and not pending.

Limelight Teacher and Contributor
Manually applied, as to whats going wrong, that still being investigated
Situation has been resolved.

Closed and Archived.

Limelight Teacher and Contributor