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StuG 3.
If you clone yourself and have sex with your clone, is that counted as you being gay or just masturbating?
(Nov 5, 2016, 03:18 AM)Enzyme Wrote: [ -> ]StuG 3.
If you clone yourself and have sex with your clone, is that counted as you being gay or just masturbating?
Who wouldn't want to have sex with themselves?
What the fuck is this question about? I'll void this so as your Passport to LL
If you were anyone from LL, Who would it be?
Do you like eggs and bacon?
No, I like bacon and eggs.
Have you heard about our lord and savior Jesus Christ?
What do you think about Trump?
He's a fucking bellend who's not fit to be the most powerful person in the world.
Short temper, small hands, childish and doesn't have the experience required. He speaks of all the issues but doesn't present any solutions. He only says that it's gonna be huge and great.
From 1-10, what colour is a smell?
Good question. I'd probably say an 8.
Does Enzyme love me?
No. He will never love you. He is 's
Sorry bud.
Is religion real?
The concept of religion is very real, yes. The beliefs religion entails however, are completely false and stupid. While this goes for all religions, it's especially ironic in Christianity because 'Gospel' means 'truth'.
How is babby formed?
I can show you personally if you want
If you could have 1 thing in LL what would it be?
Nice question????
On a scale of 1-10 how many chickens crossed the road?
6? 2? I don't know. Probably over 9000.
Why am I so Sour? (Creativity

Cause your name is Sours.
Is it to early for a Christmas name? (Only one correct answer here)
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