I played on my friends account Before , but now i have bought Garry's Mod by myself , so i was wondering if i can change account to this from my friends acc , the steam id is STEAM_0:0:11689660 and this acc steam id is STEAM_0:0:99199778 , i dont want to get banned so please help me

Think your probably gonna have to give a bit more information, but obviously not on here where everyone can see
He played on my CS smurf which i bought gmod on when it was on sale

I have never used it to play on LL.
Hello ,
Are you requesting to have the data from account STEAM_0:0:11689660 transferred to account STEAM_0:0:99199778? My system is telling me that account STEAM_0:0:11689660 doesn't exist in our database.
Did you got in touch with an admin to finish the transfer? (or respond to what Nacreas told you.)
Please get back to us within the week, else this thread will be archived due to not receiving any response for months.
Closed and Archived.
Your request for support has timeout as the given time for you to reply (1 week) has concluded. If you wish for this to be re-opened, contact myself or any other members of the teacher team to reopen it.
Limelight Community Assistant