Oct 10, 2016, 07:16 PM
Name of Player:Bigboss and TOMO(or toma)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81052579[Primary] AND STEAM_0:0:88857901
Server: LL CityRP
Time: 17:00 ish,(situation 1) 18:40ish (situation 2 10.10.2016 (In UTC+0)
Summary: (situation 1)We were in the corleone houses and for no reason at we all got told to step up agianst the wall and being held there for over 4 minutes without any arrest or given reason as to why we were being treated this way, and the fact that he was a secret service agent he should not have been preforming this task anyhow. Then the tomo guy came and told him to stop but still followed thrugh with a full search of the house of which none of them had any cause for, in OC or IC. They justified it by saying that there were gunshots fiered, but none of my corleone buddies had any weapons nor was any found during search. And clearly as you can see in the evidence there were no gunshots heard in the time before this took place. And bigboss' microphone was so hard to understand, that we didnt know what he wanted us to do.
So the reasons for this report is: holding us for more than 4 min without arrest or rp reason to begin this situation, andinpropper use of force and position (being a SS agent, this is not their job)
(situation 2) I was afk while writing this report, and joined the presedency while i did, and came back to a gun point situation, and i got randomly killed.
The situation 1 starts at 12 min in the video, the rest of the video, (before that is to proove that there is no validity to the gunshoots claim.))
https://www.twitch.tv/kennis942/v/94126880 (situation 1)
https://www.twitch.tv/kennis942/v/94140223 (situation 2)
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:81052579[Primary] AND STEAM_0:0:88857901
Server: LL CityRP
Time: 17:00 ish,(situation 1) 18:40ish (situation 2 10.10.2016 (In UTC+0)
Summary: (situation 1)We were in the corleone houses and for no reason at we all got told to step up agianst the wall and being held there for over 4 minutes without any arrest or given reason as to why we were being treated this way, and the fact that he was a secret service agent he should not have been preforming this task anyhow. Then the tomo guy came and told him to stop but still followed thrugh with a full search of the house of which none of them had any cause for, in OC or IC. They justified it by saying that there were gunshots fiered, but none of my corleone buddies had any weapons nor was any found during search. And clearly as you can see in the evidence there were no gunshots heard in the time before this took place. And bigboss' microphone was so hard to understand, that we didnt know what he wanted us to do.
So the reasons for this report is: holding us for more than 4 min without arrest or rp reason to begin this situation, andinpropper use of force and position (being a SS agent, this is not their job)
(situation 2) I was afk while writing this report, and joined the presedency while i did, and came back to a gun point situation, and i got randomly killed.
The situation 1 starts at 12 min in the video, the rest of the video, (before that is to proove that there is no validity to the gunshoots claim.))