*Gives Vet Jacket*
Welcome aboard.
Shame to see you go!
Remember to come by every now and again.
<3 Good Luck
This was REALLY unexpected. Sorry to see you go man, and thanks for all the hard work!
Anytime you want to witness my superior skills on Rocket League feel free to let me know!
Thank you for all your work Mathias, take care.
Well. This will be a sad loss for all of us. I extend my personal gratitude for the work you have done on Limelight and I wish you well in your future endeavors.
Shame to see you go, good luck whatever you do next.
Bye Mathias. You seemed cool wish you the best for the future and thanks for all you have done
Bye, hope to see you around

Sad to see you go, hopefully we'll see each other on the server, and play some games, have a good one Mathias.
I didn't know you too much either, but I am glad for everything you've done for Limelight.
Good luck with your future and be sure to hop on the server now and then when you've got some time!

...no..you see? You can't leave....I'll ban you! *cries* Don't!
On another note, it's sad to see you go Mathias. We appreciate your work and all you've done for us.
It's really sad to see you go. Thank's for your great work here.

Oh no,

cya dude.