Oct 4, 2016, 10:05 PM
![[Image: 2TXie2d.png]](https://i.imgur.com/2TXie2d.png)
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Crispy Fries
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:29435787
Your Age: 17
Hours on server:227
RP Events you have been in: 1 year anniversary at grassy fields
Reps Issued: 0
Ban History on Limelight: 0
Blacklist History on Limelight: 1
Warning history on Limelight: 0
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for: Security Division
Full Name: Frank Goliath
All Nicknames: No nickname's
Date of Application: 04-10-16
Date of birth: 22/07/91
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Rigshospitalet, Glostrup
Telephone Number: 824-555-0897
Mobile: (244) 976-2564
Driver's License Number: EC8098752364
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 124 Waterfront Road, House #4
Zip code: 26713
Suburb / City: EvoCity
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: 112 Backstreet, Hotel apartment #4
Zip code: 23410
Suburb / City EvoCity
Why are you applying? I am applying because, FUMUKU is the world's best security organization there is, no one has been or will ever come close to all they have achieved, ever since i was about 13 years of age, i have always been interested in FUMUKU and their operations, i went on their website and read about the research, security operations etc. I made sure to be kept up to date on all of their activities.
What is your background in the field you are applying for? I have extensive training, coming from the US Army, where i was a sergeant in the national guard. Then i resigned from active duty, and went on to do more private work for companies, i had applied for a company known as "Cerberus International" and i got accepted into their company, they took me under their wing and taught me the way of private security. Ever since then i have been very engaged into the work i have been doing, i have been in both afghanistan and iraq, doing private sector work for multiple clients, while i was employed by Cerberus International.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU? I think that you should pick me for FUMUKU, because i can offer you all my skills, dedication and awareness, everything that needs to be there when you are doing security operations. I have a lot of valuable skills that i took with me from both the private work i did for Cerberus International and my service in the US National Guard.
What will you offer FUMUKU? I will offer you precision work, professionalism and extreme company dedication to all my work that i will be doing for FUMUKU. I have always been a very hard working man, ever since that i turned 18, i have had multiple jobs anywhere from grocery stores to army surplus stores etc. I want to work for FUMUKU because it is the achievement of a life time.
Character Bio: Frank Goliath, he is a 25 year old man, born on the 22nd July 1991, in Denmark, Glostrup. He has always been a very illusive person, keeping everything about himself to himself, he was never really open torwards anybody, but then one day on his 13th birthday, he had heard that one of his relatives had recently got a job working for the FUMUKU Medical DIvision, and immediately he thought that it sounded very interesting, so he went on his computer and searched it up, and he found a number of choices, anything from Medical Services to Private Security Operations, and from that point on, he knew that he wanted to be a part of FUMUKU. He turned 18, five years later and he decided to join the US National Guard, he went through extensive hard training and extensive discipline, he learned that everything in life must be earned with respect and hard work. "Only if you dedicate yourself to do what you do, only then will you ever achieve you goal" That is a quote from Frank's father, Nick Goliath. Frank always wanted to live up to his father, he always worked very hard to make him proud, it didnt work all the time, but it did some of the times and everytime he saw a smile on his dad's face, the happier he got every day. His father died on the 14th of August 2007. Ever since then, Frank still wanted to make his father proud, so he strive to achieve succes every day and he works very hard, and joining FUMUKU, will be his biggest achevement yet.