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Hello everyone
Well I'm changing community, because ive heard this community is more developed. 
I am zay some may know me from Fearless, but me and my mates is changing community.
Welcome to LimeLight Z0nx.

If you require any assistance the Teaching/Assistant Team and Staff Team will be open to answer any questions you may have! Smile Welcome!
Welcome to the server man!
Ello! Welcome!
Welcome z0nx!
Welcome z0nx
May the shots be fired.

Hello and welcome to LimeLight.
Hello and welcome, happy to have you and enjoy your time.
Welcome to L2!
Welcome babe
Hello ,

I hope you will enjoy being a part of the community here at Limelight. If you have any questions or issues feel free to post in the Help & Support section of the forums; you could also PM me or if you are in game you can use the /help function.
Welcome to LL my friend!
Pages: 1 2