It says this when I try to join Your map [maps/RP_EvoCity_v4b1.bsp] differs from the server's. Host_Error: Client's map differs from the server's. I have done everything here to and it doesn't work either. When I go to check sums under properties it shows numbers different than what
It means that your copy of the map is not the same as the servers for whatever reason.
If the link in that thread ( , which based on your post is the one I am assuming you are using ) does not work, there is an issue on your end somewhere (could be your network or hard drive).
still not working but I have the map in the right part now and everything its some thing else now
There are two versions of the map. There is one that has capitals in the name and one that doesn't. You need the one that has capitals in order for it to work.
well it doesn't have capitals in its name so thx

(Sep 25, 2016, 06:44 PM)MidgetBeMidget Wrote: [ -> ]There are two versions of the map. There is one that has capitals in the name and one that doesn't. You need the one that has capitals in order for it to work.
Mine doesn't have capitals and works fine...
Issue solved, the user is able to connect to the server successfully.
Closed and archived.
Lord Octagon
Limelight Community Teacher