Sep 21, 2016, 11:40 PM
Your Name: [C3] 26
Issued by: [L²:M] Sirwulf
Blacklist ID: 68855, 68856
Server: [EU] Limelight RP, Evocity.
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I would like to say that I'm aware of the rules and I can see where Wolf was coming from but the people I was with in the server we we're all in a Teamspeak together, except the people I told to jump off the dock (into water). I've never cussed any issues and I wasn't aware I was breaking the immersion of gameplay for others, I respect the server and other users whom I share it with. I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience. I'll explain the "random firing in the air" Which I was not "random: firing, I shot at my buddy [C3] Nickname who would not get out of my truck, I only meant to shoot once but shot twice. The random fire in the air was a mis-click, and shooting down the street was wrong on my part but I told Sirwulf, in a very inappropriate way that I was "making nickname dance", I know my actions were on me but I can promise you I will fall off your guy's radar and not cause any issues within the staff team.
Evidence: I'm sorry I cannot provide Evidence for this matter, I'm really just apologising for my actions.
Issued by: [L²:M] Sirwulf
Blacklist ID: 68855, 68856
Server: [EU] Limelight RP, Evocity.
Why should you be unblacklisted?: I would like to say that I'm aware of the rules and I can see where Wolf was coming from but the people I was with in the server we we're all in a Teamspeak together, except the people I told to jump off the dock (into water). I've never cussed any issues and I wasn't aware I was breaking the immersion of gameplay for others, I respect the server and other users whom I share it with. I'm deeply sorry for the inconvenience. I'll explain the "random firing in the air" Which I was not "random: firing, I shot at my buddy [C3] Nickname who would not get out of my truck, I only meant to shoot once but shot twice. The random fire in the air was a mis-click, and shooting down the street was wrong on my part but I told Sirwulf, in a very inappropriate way that I was "making nickname dance", I know my actions were on me but I can promise you I will fall off your guy's radar and not cause any issues within the staff team.
Evidence: I'm sorry I cannot provide Evidence for this matter, I'm really just apologising for my actions.