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Full Version: [Accepted] Kinderman's Application
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Out of Character Information

Steam Name: [L²:RP]Kinderman

Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:16307656

Your Age: 21

Hours on server: 111

RP Events you have been in: Exceptional Paramedic RP
(Maybe other but I don't remember)

Reps Issued: 1

Ban History on Limelight: None

Blacklist History on Limelight: None

Warning history on Limelight: None


In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)

Division you are applying for:
FUMUKU International Security Division

Full Name: Rido Kinderman Cleverson

All Nicknames: Kinderman, RC

Age: 24

Date of Application: 21 / 9 / 2016


Date of birth:  22 / 11  / 1994

Gender: M / F

Place of Birth: D. Estefania Hospital

Telephone Number: 2189301123

Mobile: +351 929871234

Driver's License Number: FBD-893


Current Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: 3rd Main Street, Suburbia, Evocity

Zip code: 22455543

Suburb / City

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)

Address: Rua Almeida Garrette, Lisbon.

Zip code: 2290-347

Suburb / City


Why are you applying?
I have worked previously for FUMUKU, but due to family issues and medical care, I had to take a
a long leave. I wish to return to duty.

What is your background in the field you are applying for?
I have a License in IACT (Informatics and Computer Technology), in IGDA (Information Gathering
and Data Analyzation. Also served in the PMF Medical Emergency Unit (Portuguese Military Forces).

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
With my recent and past background in therms of specializations and experience, and previous
FUMUKU service time, I belive I can be a valuable asset again.

What will you offer FUMUKU?
My offer is my expertise and labor towards the progress of this Corporation. Being a member is
more than enough motivation to make keep doing my best everyday.

Character Bio:
I was born in Portugal, grew up and ready to start my life there. Due to the low level of
employment, I was forced to move abroad in hope to find a job to support my family back home.
Was able to live around, but because of a family member got sick and judicial sues came around
aswell, my presence was needed, and had to return. Now that the problems are all solved, I have
returned to Evocity, and continue with my life.
Thank you for your application.

Your application is currently under discussion by the FUMUKU International Officers.
Your application should be notified shortly with the outcome.
Thank you.

Current Status: Under Discussion

We would like to also inform you that we do recognise your files from previous databases and we will be referring to it when the directors have a good look at it. Chances may be partly increase due to background information from this however, a grantee is not confirmed. Once again Thank you. We suggest that your application will be accepted in the next one to five working days.

Signing Officer:
Doctor Thomas 'Sours' Alexander Barzinio

FUMUKU International
Department of Human Resources
Clearence: A
Thank you for your patience

Current Status: Concluded

Your Application has been:

[Image: ZSHKa7F.png]

Congratulations on the success of your application. Welcome to the team our newest Security Officer, Rido Kinderman Cleverson!

We do it, because we can.

Signing Director:
Dr. Thomas Alexander Barzinio
FUMUKU International
Department of Legal Resources
Clearence: A