Sep 14, 2016, 09:24 PM
Ban ID:3396
Banned by: [L²] Enzyme
Server: V33
Ban Reason: Player disrespect In OOC and Voice
Why should you be unbanned?: I think i should be unbanned because after i was banned from Limelight i took some time to play some serious Rp servers. Now that i have been banned for 3 months now, i have learnt not to insult player and keep my thoughts to myself and not tell people in OOC. Another reason that i think i should be unbanned is because that i have also learnt how to properly roleplay and not be a Massive minge and ruin other peoples RP experience by using /me and /it's. another reason is that i plead that you atleast consider unbanning me and letting me make a fresh start on the community
Ban ID:3396
Banned by: [L²] Enzyme
Server: V33
Ban Reason: Player disrespect In OOC and Voice
Why should you be unbanned?: I think i should be unbanned because after i was banned from Limelight i took some time to play some serious Rp servers. Now that i have been banned for 3 months now, i have learnt not to insult player and keep my thoughts to myself and not tell people in OOC. Another reason that i think i should be unbanned is because that i have also learnt how to properly roleplay and not be a Massive minge and ruin other peoples RP experience by using /me and /it's. another reason is that i plead that you atleast consider unbanning me and letting me make a fresh start on the community
