I suggest you move your 'Do you like my idea' question closer to the top of the questionnaire - the questions you asked were really vague without some kind of context. For example 'what features would you like to see?' Is really open-ended, but once given the idea of a Game-Of-Life style game, you can narrow down answers.
Thanks, ill take a look when im home
Thanks for all the serious replies guys, just a shame a few people have to make silly replies....
14/09/2016 16:17:50 no 666 2h 2 If it is cheap I dont care Instead of monopolys go to jail I'd prefer go to hell
I did it correctly for the most part? I just put "memes" for the final answer...
(Sep 14, 2016, 07:10 PM)Faustin Wrote: [ -> ]I did it correctly for the most part? I just put "memes" for the final answer...
Yeah I got that :

I don't mind, and all research and survey info has been compiled
Thanks for everyone who helped