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Full Version: error sighns
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I have all the packs installed hl2 hl2e1 css content all of them but still the wood cutting trees and benches and fences are still errors please help
Hello ,

Check out the Common Issues Solutions thread found here and see if any of the solutions help with your problem.

Make sure you've also downloaded the content packs by doing /content while in-game.

Is this still an issue?
Pretty sure trees are from HL2:Episode 2 not 1 thats why you cant see them.
I will leave you a download link to it if you need one tomorrow.

Is this still an issue you are having?
If it isn't, I will archive this thread.
is this still an issue?
, is this still an issue?
Thread archived as player has not been active on the forums for almost two months.
Feel free to pm me to reopen this thread.

Thread archived.

Limelight Community Teacher