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After i got unbanned i was so hyped to finaly join back Limelight server Evocity_v4b1

but the downloading took long after waiting a long time it just tells me "Your EvoCity_v4b1 is different from the server one" So where do i get the Server v4b1 Evocity ??
Hello Askasta,

Try the map in this thread,
is has been resolved, he is on the servers now.
Thank you .

I'll wait for  to post regarding the situation of the issue as I don't want to close and archive it without him confirming it is indeed resolved.
(Sep 8, 2016, 03:40 PM)Bambo Wrote: [ -> ]Thank you .

I'll wait for  to post regarding the situation of the issue as I don't want to close and archive it without him confirming it is indeed resolved.

Yea thanks it worked i was lazy to reply back i wanted to enjoy my first moments again xD
Nice to hear it worked! Have fun!

Closed and Archived.

Limelight Community Teacher