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Full Version: [Denied] Purge's Application
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Out of Character InformationIm 12 I like airplanes i love yo tube my favorite color is red 
Steam Name:The Purge 999

Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:104599762

Your Age:13

Hours on server:600

RP Events you have been in:3

Reps Issued:3

Ban History on Limelight:4

Blacklist History on Limelight:12

Warning history on Limelight:3


In Character Information: I Grew up in rockford my family was killed by a hitman and i feel like a need a life change in this world and i think this is where i stop and i adopted 1 kid and im 32 years old and im a ex police officer so i think i would be ready and have experience for this clan and i think im a great fit for this clan i also have a gun licences so im able to carry a weapon but im more of a self calm sort of guy [PASSIVE]
(Be as creative as you can)

Division you are applying for:Medical Division 


Full Name:Lamar Quinton

All Nicknames:Lmar


Date of Application:9/6/2016


Date of birth: 10/23 /83

Gender: M / F Male

Place of Birth:Rockford Hospital 

Telephone Number:401-297-1783


Driver's License Number:483


Current Residence (Complete in Full) Evocity

Address:102 waterfront road

Zip code:1321

Suburb / City Evocity

Previous Residence (Complete in Full)103 industrail ave


Zip code:

Suburb / City


Why are you applying?im applying because this clan/business looks very low in members and i think they need me and ive been in previous clans and im fit for the clan

What is your background in the field you are applying for? i was a paramedic for 4 years and then i was shot and retired to lay off for a couple years i was also a police officer for 7 years so i have experience with that to 

Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?i think im fit im 32 i have experience with motile clans and i know how to do CPR and such like that i have been shot 1 time and i know how to stop blood quickly i also have experience with weapons too so i would be fit for two divisions but i rather stick with medical

What will you offer FUMUKU?a great active player and im always on so i would never miss clan work with FUMUKU

Character Bio:tall,sad,radio leading up to back
Your SteamID was not added to your application. Please fix this.

Application User has 24 hours to fix.

- Doctor T.A. Barzinio
Sorry Bud It Is Now Edited And Fixed
Wish u the best bud +support
Thank you for your application.

Your application is currently under discussion by the FUMUKU International Officers.
Your application should be notified shortly with the outcome.
Thank you.

Current Status: Under Discussion
Expected Full Answer - Max of 1 Week (From 14/09/2016)

Signing Officer:

Doctor T. A. Barzinio
FUMUKU International
Department of Legal Resources
Clearence: B
Is he 12 or 13? He put both in his application
Denied, you lied multiple times in your application.

Ban History on Limelight: 4 - you have 10 bans on record.

Blacklist History on Limelight: 12 - you have 29 blacklists on record.

Warning history on Limelight: 3 - you have 4 warnings on record.