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Full Version: I think the shotgun needs another discussion
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the way i would tweak the shotgun would be making both reload and cocking manual, but increasing the power. in my opinion the cocking is too fast and so the reload.
also i would add the AR15 or G36 to police officers for mid range, maybe burst only?
Personally I just want the old shotgun back. Before it was bugged in the first place.
(Sep 5, 2016, 02:21 PM)Zambie ^‿^ Wrote: [ -> ]Personally I just want the old shotgun back. Before it was bugged in the first place.

What's bugged about it?
Autocorrect -- I Meant before it was buffed
It never was buffed oddly enough, if anything it was debuffed in the last few months.

Its just when people realized what it could do, combined with medkit spam, it essentialy made it the best weapon ever.

Before the debuff you could use it at long range, this is still true to some degree but its at least less severe
lol just make the price for it more higher xd
(Sep 5, 2016, 07:06 PM)SgtDonut Wrote: [ -> ]lol just make the price for it more higher xd

Price does nothing but allow the richer to be more overpowering to the poorer with weaker weapons, along with the fact that it's easy enough to get money if you're wanting to buy something.
(Sep 5, 2016, 06:34 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]It never was buffed oddly enough, if anything it was debuffed in the last few months.

Its just when people realized what it could do, combined with medkit spam, it essentialy made it the best weapon ever.

Before the debuff you could use it at long range, this is still true to some degree but its at least less severe

It was buffed at Revision 908. 
"Shotgun buffed: spread a little tighter; damage increased."

After that its use doubled.
As one of the FUMUKU SOs present that day, I do feel like the shotgun was extremely OP in the situation we were in.

The only reason of it becoming so OP however, was because of the medkit spam. As quote, "±20 medkits" were used by the subject. I myself don't think the shotgun needs much changing around (maybe because it's a smaller map than Rockford it should), but rather the medkits shouldn't be able to be used/heal as fast as they're being used/healing the subject.
I think the medkit/steroids do make a huge difference in a shootout.
I just want the old shotgun before it was untouched. Then atleast we can use AR-15s once again. Because fuck me that gun is a brilliant firearm.
You kids think you know the old shotgun pfff I was there back when we were first testing it on the beta server...

(Sep 5, 2016, 06:34 PM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]It never was buffed oddly enough, if anything it was debuffed in the last few months.

Its just when people realized what it could do, combined with medkit spam, it essentialy made it the best weapon ever.

Before the debuff you could use it at long range, this is still true to some degree but its at least less severe

I believe the words you are looking for are 'nerfed' and 'nerf' =)
(Sep 5, 2016, 01:31 AM)BlackDog Wrote: [ -> ]This is something that does not happen, as Zeyon stated, he wiped out an entire swat team, 3-4 police officers, i think a few civilian assistors, and 3 security officers, the only reason i managed to kill him was because i used ALL of my UMP ammo trying to kill him prior, ALL of my sidearms ammo, and then got lucky enough to fall back, and get a shotgun out, and i was lucky to have found a surviving officer who assisted in bringing him down, who ALSO had a shotgun.

Unless you also have a shotgun in a situation where your target has a shotgun, you are essentialy out of luck

I wasn't there, but honestly it sounds like bad tactics combined with a relatively infinite inventory.
When you have a known shooter, it's all about containment. Set up a containment zone with your cars, grab long rifles or the MR96, and wait it out.

The problem with a lot of police raids (I'm guilty of this sometimes) on LL is that people jump the gun on entry.
Also, the more people you have the more of a cluster it is. People already have enough issue being organized when it's just SWAT/PD, when you introduce 4 contractors from one group and another few more contractors from another it gets pretty confusing pretty fast.

I don't remember if police can use molotovs, but the government contractors definitely could have.
You could force him out using molotovs that would suck all the oxygen near him away ( an actual ballistic shield would help with getting the molotov in the house).

If no molotovs are available or he has a gas mask, contain & wait. It would be nice if food was something you could realistically run out of, because that would make containing take much less time.

The shotgun is super easy to counter in some circumstances. In an open environment, sprinting backwards + opening fire with MR96 when out of stamina will let you outgun most shooters. In a closed environment, there just is really any equipment that can be used to help you besides maybe concussion grenades.

tl;dr: The shotgun isn't the problem, the ability to store near infinite amounts of resources (health, steroids, food) is.
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