Sep 4, 2016, 08:36 PM
Im posting it for my friend orzel1244 because he doesnt get a link to his email for to veiry and thats why he cant post himself.
- Server [US/EU]: EU
- Map: v4b
- Description: I wanted to play today, when I joined I had 1300$, my friend gave me 130 000$, I've seen also message that I've got payout from stock market, I had 4 mln, I wanted to give some to my friend, to prove that I have it, but I was not able, so I took ss, and reconnected, now I have only 4000$, everythink is on ss's
- Bug is [In-Game/On Forums/Other]: In-Game
- Since when have you experienced the bug?: like 5 hours ago
- Additional Information My friend name: XShai123
- Images/Screenshots: