Oct 9, 2020, 12:21 PM
Updated and Reformatted the list, removed duplicates, etc.
- Embedded Images, Limelight & LL Affiliated Domains
- Discord (discordapp.com, discord.com, discord.gg)
- Steam (steamuserimages...akamai, steamstatic.com, steampowered.com, steamcommunity.com, steamusercontent.com)
- ts3index.com
- Print Screen (prnt.sc, prntscr.com)
- Dropbox (dropboxusercontent.com, dropbox.com, dropboxstatic.com)
- vgy.me
- puu.sh
- photobucket.com
- pinimg.com
- tinypic.com
- gravatar.com
- tumblr.com
- screenshot.net
- aulod.com
- cloudflare.com
- imgur.com
- giphy.com
- wikimedia.org
- gametracker.com
- gyazo.com
- speedtest.net