Aug 24, 2016, 07:36 PM
Your Name: [L²:RP] Vaq
Blacklist ID: STEAM_0:0:26042881
Blacklisted by: Soviethooves
Server: EU
Blacklist Reason: Changing jobs to grant raid reason.
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Situational context, lack of evidence from the accusing party and a lack of justification for the stated blacklist reason.
To begin, I will simply re-state the statement by the accusing party, Noot Noot:
Now, I will go through and assess parts of this statement that is either A) lacking proper clarification or B) validated my character's actions.
"So I was going to take over part of the Motel" - The beginning of his statement is a record of the event(s) as they unfolded. The President, along with his SSA, had relocated to the motel to begin construction of their extremely large government mansion. What was left out of this was the way in which the President and his SSA had initiated this conversation, which was with hostility and simply telling me what was going to happen and that I would have to deal with it. I began to fight this verbally and as mentioned, stated "You can't do this, I own a room here." However, this simply did not halt his construction of an extremely large building that obfuscated the entire motel and blocked off the entire parking section. As I continued to fight this verbally, the President simply decided to issue a personal arrest warrant to remove me from my property because I would not agree to his terms. This action was initiated by him against me and affected my character. One is not obligated to change their living arrangements for the President, though his actions only proved that he was not going to cooperate and would simply arrest me to continue with his construction.
After this, as seen in the statement quoted, Noot Noot had not mentioned the context that had led up to my character throwing a Molotov at his construction. He left out the part where he issued a personal arrest warrant towards my character to remove me from my property and simply stated that I randomly threw a Molotov at his construction. I personally do not see my act of rebellion as being random. I had plenty of reason to do such.
Now looking at the blacklist issued, Soviet stated the following: "Changing jobs to grant raid reason."
Did I raid? I certainly did not. There are different terms for what it means to raid and they all depend on the context. What we most widely define raiding as is more along the lines of breaching a property and the seizure/destruction of their property. In this case, this was not his property. If he owned the entire motel then that is open for development. Just because he is President does not grant him the ability to take over and develop private property, especially one where I had currently resided in.
Secondly, I'd like to assess the first part that is directed towards my use of /job. What can be interpreted from Soviethoove's judgement is that an RP action against you cannot re-define who your character is. If you're a Police Officer employed by a vigorous dictator, you simply cannot quit your job and join the cause against him. If you're a Citizen who had everything stolen from them and someone dear to them killed by a criminal organization, you yourself cannot use /job to re-define your character and become a criminal yourself to seek revenge. You cannot be recruited into a gang and use /job to re-define your new character's role nor can you use the /job feature to grant you reason to start a Chop Shop. If you see that crime levels are extremely high, you cannot become a Police Officer to fight said crime. What I'm trying to get here is that this is certainly not the case. RP actions define who your character is.
Job Rule 9.1 - Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
Raid Rule 14.3 - Do not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid (powergaming). This also applies to custom jobs.
Raid Rule 14.1 - Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name using the /job command.
Listed above are two important rules to take into account. Raid Rule 14.3 being the first to assess. Based on the context of the event, I did not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid. This is fairly vague, though I've heard this was to prevent people from simply joining the server and using the /job feature to become Criminals in order to grant them reason to raid and/or mug. However, in my case, I used the /job feature to re-define my character based on actions against me which is fully within the rules. Raid Rule 14.1 even states, Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name using the /job command. To me it seems like there may have been an misinterpretation on what Raid Rule 14.3 means, as Raid Rule 14.1 contradicts that and tells you to make sure to use the /job feature before you raid.
Lastly, I'd like to assess the overall fact that I did not ever raid. I simply protested in my own way. Is holding a protest and blocking traffic a form of raiding? Is a drive-by a raid? I certainly don't see how the Pas/Agr use of a Molotov to stop what I believed to be an invasion of my character's rights, along with the arrest warrant to remove me from my property, was classified as a raid from said administrator.
This is all I have to say,
Blacklist ID: STEAM_0:0:26042881
Blacklisted by: Soviethooves
Server: EU
Blacklist Reason: Changing jobs to grant raid reason.
Why should you be unblacklisted?: Situational context, lack of evidence from the accusing party and a lack of justification for the stated blacklist reason.
To begin, I will simply re-state the statement by the accusing party, Noot Noot:
Quote:So I was going to take over part of the Motel for a government mansion as it has a pool and to emulate how I use the citizen taxes, while building Vaq says ''you can't do this, I own a room here, which I was aware of, and made an exception for part of the Motel for access to the side which he had a door owned, yet while building, he throws a Molotov at the base which is aggressive and I don't think is a valid reason especially while I was building. Also it was an inappropriate use of a molotov as his issue with the motel was resolved by me giving him access to his house, and also if he wanted to express his feelings he could've had a protest outside? It was also a bad time to throw it as it was during building where a door wasn't even built yet.
Now, I will go through and assess parts of this statement that is either A) lacking proper clarification or B) validated my character's actions.
"So I was going to take over part of the Motel" - The beginning of his statement is a record of the event(s) as they unfolded. The President, along with his SSA, had relocated to the motel to begin construction of their extremely large government mansion. What was left out of this was the way in which the President and his SSA had initiated this conversation, which was with hostility and simply telling me what was going to happen and that I would have to deal with it. I began to fight this verbally and as mentioned, stated "You can't do this, I own a room here." However, this simply did not halt his construction of an extremely large building that obfuscated the entire motel and blocked off the entire parking section. As I continued to fight this verbally, the President simply decided to issue a personal arrest warrant to remove me from my property because I would not agree to his terms. This action was initiated by him against me and affected my character. One is not obligated to change their living arrangements for the President, though his actions only proved that he was not going to cooperate and would simply arrest me to continue with his construction.
After this, as seen in the statement quoted, Noot Noot had not mentioned the context that had led up to my character throwing a Molotov at his construction. He left out the part where he issued a personal arrest warrant towards my character to remove me from my property and simply stated that I randomly threw a Molotov at his construction. I personally do not see my act of rebellion as being random. I had plenty of reason to do such.
Now looking at the blacklist issued, Soviet stated the following: "Changing jobs to grant raid reason."
Did I raid? I certainly did not. There are different terms for what it means to raid and they all depend on the context. What we most widely define raiding as is more along the lines of breaching a property and the seizure/destruction of their property. In this case, this was not his property. If he owned the entire motel then that is open for development. Just because he is President does not grant him the ability to take over and develop private property, especially one where I had currently resided in.
Secondly, I'd like to assess the first part that is directed towards my use of /job. What can be interpreted from Soviethoove's judgement is that an RP action against you cannot re-define who your character is. If you're a Police Officer employed by a vigorous dictator, you simply cannot quit your job and join the cause against him. If you're a Citizen who had everything stolen from them and someone dear to them killed by a criminal organization, you yourself cannot use /job to re-define your character and become a criminal yourself to seek revenge. You cannot be recruited into a gang and use /job to re-define your new character's role nor can you use the /job feature to grant you reason to start a Chop Shop. If you see that crime levels are extremely high, you cannot become a Police Officer to fight said crime. What I'm trying to get here is that this is certainly not the case. RP actions define who your character is.
Job Rule 9.1 - Custom job titles must accurately state what character you intend to roleplay.
Raid Rule 14.3 - Do not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid (powergaming). This also applies to custom jobs.
Raid Rule 14.1 - Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name using the /job command.
Listed above are two important rules to take into account. Raid Rule 14.3 being the first to assess. Based on the context of the event, I did not switch jobs with the sole intention of joining a raid. This is fairly vague, though I've heard this was to prevent people from simply joining the server and using the /job feature to become Criminals in order to grant them reason to raid and/or mug. However, in my case, I used the /job feature to re-define my character based on actions against me which is fully within the rules. Raid Rule 14.1 even states, Do not raid as a Citizen without changing your job name using the /job command. To me it seems like there may have been an misinterpretation on what Raid Rule 14.3 means, as Raid Rule 14.1 contradicts that and tells you to make sure to use the /job feature before you raid.
Lastly, I'd like to assess the overall fact that I did not ever raid. I simply protested in my own way. Is holding a protest and blocking traffic a form of raiding? Is a drive-by a raid? I certainly don't see how the Pas/Agr use of a Molotov to stop what I believed to be an invasion of my character's rights, along with the arrest warrant to remove me from my property, was classified as a raid from said administrator.
This is all I have to say,