Aug 18, 2016, 09:10 AM
Your Name: Papa Dong
Ban ID:[font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]3761
Banned by: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]Soviethooves[/font]
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]Staff Disrepect | Harassment | OOC Discrimination and Insulting | NLR | FailRP | Attempting to crash the server.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned? okay here we go, this is a long one so be prepared for some reading. occasionally I played on the server with my friends, we always would play on and of together, years ago I believe. I know this because recently I got on and it has been awhile, i noticed I had a gun ban. I asked an admin what it was for and he told me the old admin who gave it to me got put down. anyways long story short I played on the server for awhile until the base was lifted. Not 10 mins later a SWAT team was raiding me and my friends base. They killed me and I wasn't aware that if you're being raided you couldn't go back, and I didn't "know" this because I kept seeing cops come back after they were being killed. me and my friends had hostages and we killed them because the swat attacked. one of the hostages changed jobs and became an officer. yet I was still getting yelled at for NLR when cops kept dying and coming back, it didn't seems fair to me. so after the cops got my friend all alone in a room, my friend who needed ammo asked me for some (I was a gun dealer after the fact i got yelled at by an admin) so i spawned him in some ammo (not self supply he was buying it)and accidentally spawned in a gun (not used to the interface) so while I was waiting for the SWAT to finish him off so I can give him his ammo, the swat was an admin and got me in a sit and told me that i was breaking the rules and he was saying I was pointing a gun at him and threatening him. I told him ill just leave the area but he decided to give me a gun ban when I didn't fire a single bullet ever since my gun ban from a years ago got lifted. I asked him to please lift it because it ruins my rp. he ignored me, and outraged i was being a little salty over /ooc . I did insult him and I apologize for it. as for the attempting to crash the server I was spawning in props to be annoying (he was in the process of banning me while I was doing this) I deleted all my props then a few minutes later received a perm ban. I admit to my mistakes and only ask to be forgiven' as I haven't broken any other rules on the server, just got perm'd. I would love to be able to play with my friends on their favorite server as they are respected in the community and i soon hope to be to. thank you. I deeply ask to be forgiven my friends say the admins are very considerate and if I was truly minging around i wouldn't go as far to type all this. one more chance is all I ask, because this IS my first "warning" (as far as i remember) I got that turned out to be a perm.
Evidence: no evidence but I have 2 friends that can vouch and maybe the admin can give out his point of view
Ban ID:[font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]3761
Banned by: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]Soviethooves[/font]
Server: v33x
Ban Reason: [font='Lucida Sans Unicode', 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif]Staff Disrepect | Harassment | OOC Discrimination and Insulting | NLR | FailRP | Attempting to crash the server.[/font]
Why should you be unbanned? okay here we go, this is a long one so be prepared for some reading. occasionally I played on the server with my friends, we always would play on and of together, years ago I believe. I know this because recently I got on and it has been awhile, i noticed I had a gun ban. I asked an admin what it was for and he told me the old admin who gave it to me got put down. anyways long story short I played on the server for awhile until the base was lifted. Not 10 mins later a SWAT team was raiding me and my friends base. They killed me and I wasn't aware that if you're being raided you couldn't go back, and I didn't "know" this because I kept seeing cops come back after they were being killed. me and my friends had hostages and we killed them because the swat attacked. one of the hostages changed jobs and became an officer. yet I was still getting yelled at for NLR when cops kept dying and coming back, it didn't seems fair to me. so after the cops got my friend all alone in a room, my friend who needed ammo asked me for some (I was a gun dealer after the fact i got yelled at by an admin) so i spawned him in some ammo (not self supply he was buying it)and accidentally spawned in a gun (not used to the interface) so while I was waiting for the SWAT to finish him off so I can give him his ammo, the swat was an admin and got me in a sit and told me that i was breaking the rules and he was saying I was pointing a gun at him and threatening him. I told him ill just leave the area but he decided to give me a gun ban when I didn't fire a single bullet ever since my gun ban from a years ago got lifted. I asked him to please lift it because it ruins my rp. he ignored me, and outraged i was being a little salty over /ooc . I did insult him and I apologize for it. as for the attempting to crash the server I was spawning in props to be annoying (he was in the process of banning me while I was doing this) I deleted all my props then a few minutes later received a perm ban. I admit to my mistakes and only ask to be forgiven' as I haven't broken any other rules on the server, just got perm'd. I would love to be able to play with my friends on their favorite server as they are respected in the community and i soon hope to be to. thank you. I deeply ask to be forgiven my friends say the admins are very considerate and if I was truly minging around i wouldn't go as far to type all this. one more chance is all I ask, because this IS my first "warning" (as far as i remember) I got that turned out to be a perm.
Evidence: no evidence but I have 2 friends that can vouch and maybe the admin can give out his point of view