Aug 15, 2016, 11:51 PM
The situations
#1 - You call a gun dealer into your base with an ammo purchase request. Once they arrive at your home/base you then pull a gun and demand they pay you 500/take you hostage.
#2 - You call a doctor requesting med kits. Once they're in your home/base you pull a gun and take them hostage/mug them for 500.
#3 - You call a Mechanic to modify your car, in your base. Once there you pull a gun, etc. You get the idea.
Now, say the Mechanic/Doctor/Gun dealer refuses to serve the person, this is them failing to do their job and them Fail Roleplaying as they're not using their job to the fullest extent. It seems to me that mugging or hostaging a vendor job that you have invited into your home/base is an abuse of the jobs system, with the idea that if that vendor refuses to do so, they're realistically not full-filling their duties as that job.
The way I see it, vendor roles should be under the same protection as Fire & Medics are. If they are requested to enter a base/home with a specific reason i.e "Please come to my base at {location}. I need ammo" this should then work the same way as Medics & fire do when called to a situation. From experience, often there is only one gun dealer/medic online at anyone time (as they can be rather slow jobs) meaning that one person is working to provide for everyone who needs it.
I would like to know everyone elses opinion regarding mugging a vendor when they were requested at your home/base.
TL;DR - Vendors get mugged by people under the pretense of them doing their job. Is this ok or should they have some sort of immunity (similar to Medic/Fire)
#1 - You call a gun dealer into your base with an ammo purchase request. Once they arrive at your home/base you then pull a gun and demand they pay you 500/take you hostage.
#2 - You call a doctor requesting med kits. Once they're in your home/base you pull a gun and take them hostage/mug them for 500.
#3 - You call a Mechanic to modify your car, in your base. Once there you pull a gun, etc. You get the idea.
Now, say the Mechanic/Doctor/Gun dealer refuses to serve the person, this is them failing to do their job and them Fail Roleplaying as they're not using their job to the fullest extent. It seems to me that mugging or hostaging a vendor job that you have invited into your home/base is an abuse of the jobs system, with the idea that if that vendor refuses to do so, they're realistically not full-filling their duties as that job.
The way I see it, vendor roles should be under the same protection as Fire & Medics are. If they are requested to enter a base/home with a specific reason i.e "Please come to my base at {location}. I need ammo" this should then work the same way as Medics & fire do when called to a situation. From experience, often there is only one gun dealer/medic online at anyone time (as they can be rather slow jobs) meaning that one person is working to provide for everyone who needs it.
I would like to know everyone elses opinion regarding mugging a vendor when they were requested at your home/base.
TL;DR - Vendors get mugged by people under the pretense of them doing their job. Is this ok or should they have some sort of immunity (similar to Medic/Fire)