Aug 12, 2016, 01:29 PM
![[Image: 2TXie2d.png]](
Out of Character Information
Steam Name: Markus
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:36038228
Your Age: 19
Hours on server: 484 (as of 2016.08.12)
RP Events you have been in: Vandermere Industries, ApocalypseRP, multiple others I cannot remember (not only Limelight)
REPs Issued: 1
Ban History on Limelight: N/A
Blacklist History on Limelight: N/A
Warning history on Limelight: 2
In Character Information:
(Be as creative as you can)
Division you are applying for:
Manufacturing Division
Full Name: Mark Smith
All Nicknames: Marko, Markus
Age: 45
Date of Application: 2016.08.12.
Date of birth: 1971/03/04
Gender: M
Place of Birth: Budapest
Telephone Number: [font=sans-serif]+36 1 234-5678.[/font]
Mobile: [font=sans-serif]+36 1 234-5678.[/font]
Driver's License Number: 492857493874
Current Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: Backstreet Apartments, Level 2, Apt. 2
Zip code: 1436
Suburb / City: Evocity
Previous Residence (Complete in Full)
Address: N/A
Zip code: N/A
Suburb / City: N/A
Why are you applying?:
For years I have experienced with many fields of the architectural industry, starting out as a Statistical Architect
then getting a taste of interior designs and finally switching over to designing houses for private individuals.
After years of designing and building up my own company however, a company of much bigger status drove me and
my company to the verge of bankcruptcy, where I had to choose between sacrificing my personal life and family or giving
up all I've worked for for years. After much depression I had no other choice, but to file for bankcruptcy, leaving the
dream I've built for many years in my past.
After this personal tragedy of mine, I've looked in many parts of the industry, however I have found most globally "acclaimed"
conglomerates to be mostly consisting of military assets who only seek fortune and power amongst people and in politics.
That is until I've noticed one of your advertisements in a broschure in a small newspaper stand.
When I saw that you were hiring architects, I knew that my place is right there in Your team.
What is your background in the field you are applying for?
As I've explained above, I used to run my own architectural company, until I was forced to file for bankruptcy.
Why should we pick you for FUMUKU?
I not only have experience in planning and executing buildings, as well as interior designs, but I'm also a strong leader
who was accepted amongst my coworkers as someone who could get the job done, no matter the personal sacrifices.
What will you offer FUMUKU?
I will offer you a man who not only can design both the basic look of houses, as well as the interior,
but a strong leader who will be able to lead any team and finish any work before deadline.
Character Bio: (inclued in the "Why are you applying?" section above)