Aug 9, 2016, 11:29 AM
Your name: austinPOWERSSs
Ban ID: 3835
Banned by: Sirwulf
Server: v4b1
Ban reason: FailRP. Basing with intent to bait law enforcement, holding police vehicles hostage for baiting purposes. Priors.
Why you hould be unbanned: They cop always breached out base becasue the high wall right so what we did is to make them lower and everybody can see it and you can see what is going on inside the base so htere is no reason to raid us.
Now me and roach was doing stuff outside the base and everytime, everytime we were outside the base we got search warrant (we hade illegal stuff inside but they cant know it). also when we the pres goes dictator me and roach wear fake police unifrom we took some guys in the back of transit and that was a great RP but the server carash :C. when the server was up 3 min later they raid us and i have no idea why i was bulding the base put stuff inside so we can actully do RP and they raiding us for no reason ( you saw the walls sirwulf and you know its not high walls) now i didnt touched in a singel police car, roach only lockpick them so he can get metal, kevlar or AR 15 but he left them in the same spot. we hade more guys in the gang and they stole it and i told them to not do it. me and roach never fired before the police, and when someone from the police ask me if he get inside unarm his friend put arrest warrant on me and start shooting. me and roach not trying to bait cops, when they see our lower walls they raiding us. when we saw medic we called them to revive the injured cop and we ask them if they can stop raiding us.
Ban ID: 3835
Banned by: Sirwulf
Server: v4b1
Ban reason: FailRP. Basing with intent to bait law enforcement, holding police vehicles hostage for baiting purposes. Priors.
Why you hould be unbanned: They cop always breached out base becasue the high wall right so what we did is to make them lower and everybody can see it and you can see what is going on inside the base so htere is no reason to raid us.
Now me and roach was doing stuff outside the base and everytime, everytime we were outside the base we got search warrant (we hade illegal stuff inside but they cant know it). also when we the pres goes dictator me and roach wear fake police unifrom we took some guys in the back of transit and that was a great RP but the server carash :C. when the server was up 3 min later they raid us and i have no idea why i was bulding the base put stuff inside so we can actully do RP and they raiding us for no reason ( you saw the walls sirwulf and you know its not high walls) now i didnt touched in a singel police car, roach only lockpick them so he can get metal, kevlar or AR 15 but he left them in the same spot. we hade more guys in the gang and they stole it and i told them to not do it. me and roach never fired before the police, and when someone from the police ask me if he get inside unarm his friend put arrest warrant on me and start shooting. me and roach not trying to bait cops, when they see our lower walls they raiding us. when we saw medic we called them to revive the injured cop and we ask them if they can stop raiding us.