Aug 1, 2016, 01:44 PM
Alright, so before anyone thinks I'm here to brag, please forget that thought.
I have decided that after spending so many hours with you, it only feels right if I tell you a bit about myself.
It seemed kinda weird getting used to it after mostly playing random FPS's back then and learning how to build or spawn props seemed somewhere between unique and strange to me, and took me about 1,5 year for me to figure it all out. For years, I've mainly played on sandbox servers, until I've found some other gamemodes, one of which was my all-time favourite, the "Fretta" gamemode. God I loved playing that dogfighter minigame where you could shoot down eachothers' wings and your foe would plummet to its death into the ground.
After Fretta disappeared, I've mainly moved to TTT, DarkRP and also found a gamemode called CityRP, however it seemed to serious for me so I've stopped playing until late 2012 - early 2013. From this point (after finding TTT), I've played either Gmod TTT or Minecraft and clocked some serious hours into each. I could go on about how much I loved some TTT community, but I don't want to bother you with annoying advertizing.
Throughout all these years, I have also spent countless hours in Half Life 2 RP, which have changed my mind about punishments on RP servers (e.g. permadeath) as well as PassiveRP in general.
I was MPF on some servers as well and to the unitiated, let me tell you that this means writing a long background story (if I'll be able to find some I've written, I'll gladly share them with you) with some 300 words.
In the summer of 2013 I've got addicted to Battlefield 3 with one of my IRL friends and sticked to it until 2014 April, when unfortunately we couldn't continue playing said game, I've moved back to Garry's Mod, where I am proud to now have 4000 hours. Keep in mind that I've been playing for 4 years so I didn't just sit down and play for weeks non-stop.
Some of my most memorable experiences with you guys were:
The Monorail
Vandermere Industries (event)
The LimeLight launch
(jesus I was cringy)
Apocalypse RP
and countless others..
Over these years I have seen people rise in ranks and lose their roles in the staff team unfortunately and I have seen clans rise and fall (S.A.A.; Weyland Yutani).
I have seen my share and had my experiences with you guys over the course of about 1200 hours in CityRP.
Met a lot of new friends, but lost some along the way, but despite all the troubles I can say that I can see great visions for this server's future.
I can also say that dispite a single warning, I've been clear for close to a year ever since the launch, so yay me!
I have decided that after spending so many hours with you, it only feels right if I tell you a bit about myself.
Real Life
My name is Márk (á = the "i" in Lime), I'm from Hungary and I was born in Budapest, the capital in 1997 March 4th.
I'm 19 and a highschool student, however this is going to be my last year before going to university (god I'm so scared).
I'm currently residing in Csömör, a nice suburban neighborhood where we moved to in 2003 after my parents have set aside money for years before. I can say that we all love this place and it is totally worth it. Besides, if we haven't moved here, we wouldn't have our golden retriever of 13 years, Tina (
pic2) and my cat of same age, Cila (
pic2). I love them very very much.
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I love traveling and I can proudly say that during my time on this planet, spanning 19 years I have traveled to Paris, London, Rome, Belgium, Netherlands (this is for all you dutchies), as well as Austria where I regularly go skiing and Croatia where we usually go yearly on holiday.
However I hope on traveling to the USA sometime as well just to feel that "Northern Minessota" feel SirWulf's always on about. 

I'm planning on becoming a CGI animator, specializing in game development and movies.
I've bought Garry's Mod back in 2011 April 1st after playing it in an "unoriginal" version (without multiplayer) for about 2 years.It seemed kinda weird getting used to it after mostly playing random FPS's back then and learning how to build or spawn props seemed somewhere between unique and strange to me, and took me about 1,5 year for me to figure it all out. For years, I've mainly played on sandbox servers, until I've found some other gamemodes, one of which was my all-time favourite, the "Fretta" gamemode. God I loved playing that dogfighter minigame where you could shoot down eachothers' wings and your foe would plummet to its death into the ground.
After Fretta disappeared, I've mainly moved to TTT, DarkRP and also found a gamemode called CityRP, however it seemed to serious for me so I've stopped playing until late 2012 - early 2013. From this point (after finding TTT), I've played either Gmod TTT or Minecraft and clocked some serious hours into each. I could go on about how much I loved some TTT community, but I don't want to bother you with annoying advertizing.
Throughout all these years, I have also spent countless hours in Half Life 2 RP, which have changed my mind about punishments on RP servers (e.g. permadeath) as well as PassiveRP in general.
I was MPF on some servers as well and to the unitiated, let me tell you that this means writing a long background story (if I'll be able to find some I've written, I'll gladly share them with you) with some 300 words.
In the summer of 2013 I've got addicted to Battlefield 3 with one of my IRL friends and sticked to it until 2014 April, when unfortunately we couldn't continue playing said game, I've moved back to Garry's Mod, where I am proud to now have 4000 hours. Keep in mind that I've been playing for 4 years so I didn't just sit down and play for weeks non-stop.
Some of my most memorable experiences with you guys were:
The Monorail
Vandermere Industries (event)
The LimeLight launch
(jesus I was cringy)
Apocalypse RP
and countless others..
Over these years I have seen people rise in ranks and lose their roles in the staff team unfortunately and I have seen clans rise and fall (S.A.A.; Weyland Yutani).
I have seen my share and had my experiences with you guys over the course of about 1200 hours in CityRP.
Met a lot of new friends, but lost some along the way, but despite all the troubles I can say that I can see great visions for this server's future.
I can also say that dispite a single warning, I've been clear for close to a year ever since the launch, so yay me!

I doubt that anyone has read this far, but if you have, then thank you very much for reading,
I realize this wasn't nearly as interesting as a GoT script, but I hope I became somewhat of a more personal figure for you guys! 

Take care and here's to 4000 more! (Even though I want to focus on studying more)
PS: Yes, the profile picture is me, lookin douchey as ever.