After about 8 hours of constant fishing starting at around 1:20 AM to 9:45 AM without any breaks & sleep, after giving away hundreds uppon hundres of fish to random individuals that stumbled across, i finally did it.
Why is this in the meme section of the forums?
throwback to the days when +reload would do it ez
Well that's something, I'm unsure why you would want to this but congrats I suppose!
F1 screenshot or it never happened.
(Jul 29, 2016, 03:07 PM)Blurr Wrote: [ -> ]F1 screenshot or it never happened.
I actually gave most of my fish away for free to random people, that's why i did this in the first place.
I receive a quite ammount from him and i was there
Did a fishing competition today of $200.000 price. Sadly Didn't win.