Carfano Love Triangle Causes Chaos at Tides
One officer is dead and another is wounded after a love triangle got out of hand. The event occured on Wednesday night at the Tides Hotel located at the intersection of Mainstreet and Side Street.
Police say that the violence occurred after Fibanacci Carfano, the Don of the Carfano family, discovered that a woman that he met online was with another man. At his trial, Carfano revealed that he was planning to meet this unknown woman at a hotel room, it was at that moment that she arrived with a masked lover. Lucious Carfano, the current Underboss of the Carfano Family, was later revealed to be that beau.
EvoCity Police Department had officers on scene as soon as a witnesses reported that gunshots had been heard. "Several loud shots were fired followed by another burst of shots" said a bystander who did not wish to reveal his name.
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives dispatched agents to the scene once the local police could not get the suspects to surrender and that they claimed to have a hostage in the room. Sergeant Lawrence testified that he heard two men "jokingly" say to each other that they had no hostage and this was further backed up an affidavit which declared that the suspects had indeed been dishonest.
ATF executed a breach on the hotel room and reported that they saw two suspects with one of them acting as a fake hostage or government worker. Both suspects were arrested and a prompt hearing was arranged. Fibonacci Carfano excersised his right to self-representation but was found guilty on charges of conspiracy to kidnap, illegally using a firearm and obstruction of justice. He was sentenced to fifteen years without parole at the EvoCity Federal Correctional Institution.
Lucious Carfano was the next to be tried and was found guilty on the same charges but decided to appeal his case. It was later found out that the police had executed an invalid warrant; their reason was due to possession of a firearm and gunshots being heard, however, the laws at the time dictated that small firearms were indeed legal and that noises were not grounds for a search warrant. The ruling was overturned and Lucious Carfano was acquitted of all charges and released. It was also reported that Fibonacci Carfano applied for a writ of habeas corpus.
There have been wide speculations that the police may have setup a hoax dating account in an attempt to lure both Carfanos into an adversarial relationship in an attempt to take down the Carfano Family.
Published: 28/07/16
Submitted By: Pierre El Daher
Really awesome! Keep it up!
damn carfano's always commiting criminal acts.
(Jul 28, 2016, 07:18 PM)Cooli Wrote: [ -> ]damn carfano's always commiting criminal acts.
I may have more on the way considering what they've done recently.
Very good Lord, keep up the good work, i mean awesome work.
(Jul 28, 2016, 01:50 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives dispatched agents to the scene once the local police could not get the suspects to surrender and that they claimed to have a hostage in the room. Sergeant Lawrence testified that he heard two men "jokingly" say to each other that they had no hostage and this was further backed up an affidavit which declared that the suspects had indeed been dishonest.
ATF executed a breach on the hotel room and reported that they saw two suspects with one of them acting as a fake hostage or government worker. Both suspects were arrested and a prompt hearing was arranged. Fibonacci Carfano excersised his right to self-representation but was found guilty on charges of conspiracy to kidnap, illegally using a firearm and obstruction of justice. He was sentenced to fifteen years without parole at the EvoCity Federal Correctional Institution.
This made me smile, man. Great article and it was nice to see you taking notes throughout the situation. Amazing.
(Jul 29, 2016, 04:00 PM)Wesley Lawrence Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 28, 2016, 01:50 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives dispatched agents to the scene once the local police could not get the suspects to surrender and that they claimed to have a hostage in the room. Sergeant Lawrence testified that he heard two men "jokingly" say to each other that they had no hostage and this was further backed up an affidavit which declared that the suspects had indeed been dishonest.
ATF executed a breach on the hotel room and reported that they saw two suspects with one of them acting as a fake hostage or government worker. Both suspects were arrested and a prompt hearing was arranged. Fibonacci Carfano excersised his right to self-representation but was found guilty on charges of conspiracy to kidnap, illegally using a firearm and obstruction of justice. He was sentenced to fifteen years without parole at the EvoCity Federal Correctional Institution.
This made me smile, man. Great article and it was nice to see you taking notes throughout the situation. Amazing.
I always have my notepad next to me. It is important that I give correct information; I don't want a lawsuit from the Carfanos...
(Jul 29, 2016, 04:16 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]I always have my notepad next to me. It is important that I give correct information; I don't want a lawsuit from the Carfanos...
What if it wasn't a law suit....
(Jul 29, 2016, 05:09 PM)Zephy Wrote: [ -> ] (Jul 29, 2016, 04:16 PM)Lord Octagon Wrote: [ -> ]I always have my notepad next to me. It is important that I give correct information; I don't want a lawsuit from the Carfanos...
What if it wasn't a law suit....
"You touch what is mine and I will make you sing Ave Maria in Sicilian..."
Just so everyone knows, I am Don Fibonacci Carfano, head boss of The Carfano Familia. *cough* I am famous.^^